Recent content by 2lick

  1. 2lick

    Want to Buy WTB: 155 Prop for TPE 1105

    Im going to try an 1105 in my XFR glass hull. Currently running a 964 pushing a C75 6/13 -5mm and thin blade. Anyone have props for sale?
  2. 2lick

    Smart Coils, Speeduino, Hall Effect, etc. - New ignition control ideas

    To scientific for me - nothing constructive to add other then motivation :-) If anyone has the determination to make it happen, you sure do!
  3. 2lick

    April Fools Ride - April 23 - Reading, PA

    Looking like a big turn out, water temps should be 55+ Cant wait to see some new ridder out there to kick off the season!
  4. 2lick

    New Flame arrestor's on the market

    Received mine fast and happy with them! Rigid, little to no flex, hopefully that means they'll last longer!
  5. 2lick

    Garage lift/storage for AM skis

    I'm not qualified to answer, but this is the internet so my food for thought... Moving skis with a hoist and straps in a garage is popular it works well Do you and your buddies lift the ski and carry it around ever? Why would a and sling be any different? No idea on the quality of the hull but...
  6. 2lick

    Other Recommendations??? - Drysuit and Booties

    Thanks for the input guys!
  7. 2lick

    Other Recommendations??? - Drysuit and Booties

    Hi All, Looking for opinions and thoughts in case someone has them ;) I know its been discussed many time in the past but I'm wondering what popular drysuits are out there? My budget is $500 and under. I'm 5'11" and 145lb if that matters. I'm also on the search for good booties to wear...
  8. 2lick

    Rent freeride ski Daytona

    Honestly, you probably will have better luck just socializing with people saying hi - enjoy a conversation. Mention you traveled far wish you had ski with you. You'll likely make new friends and be offered many rides. Not sure most are gonna "rent" out a ski officially, but I see lots of guys...
  9. 2lick

    What questionable thing did you put on your jet ski today?

    I usually keep my stuff clean but back when I was chasing my first flip... Got ridding buddies and everyone excited for a big day with boats and spectators to motivate us. I showed up to the water and instantly broke mount glued to the hull for fuel tank. Grabbed a sandal and ratchet strap...
  10. 2lick

    New billet manifold

    Good, I'm glad my thoughts helped. I "think" a lot of folks run the Jetmaniac BB throttle cable, if your manifold cant accept it it may limit your market. BB Throttle Cables
  11. 2lick

    New billet manifold

    One more idea... looks like you may have had yourself too with your v2 bolt location/spacing. Taking off the speed plate efficiently on my current manifold is easy and only possible with wobble type Allen bits that can get in at the bolt around the fuel fittings, coupler, etc. If the exact...
  12. 2lick

    New billet manifold

    love that you moved the mount to the lower piece People tend to run two size throttle cables. If yours is for the OEM smaller one, is there enough meat on the manifold to drill out and run the larger one? Looking at the second design I think yes, that first design I worried maybe not. if...
  13. 2lick

    Flash Back 07

    Glad someone got to enjoy those relics one more time :-)
  14. 2lick

    Decent free anti-virus software?

    Windows Defender for anyone that doesn't want to pay or put more effort into it.
  15. 2lick

    Other Eastern PA Group Ride on April 24th

    Since WD is canceled this spring, I though some other folks may be interested in getting together with a few other ridders. A buddy of mine puts together an "April Fools" ride every year to help us kick off the year. We skipped April 1st this year and picked Saturday April 24th. We tend to...
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