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  • Thanks Dude - surgery went well. Little messed up some times when I eat - body still adapting? I'm back to work still in detective office. Should be back on road by May. Thanks for asking - hows your ski coming? You going to wrench that thing all year? Your going to get along well with DRoc / Mario
    hey dude, hows it goin? since i have these barrels we really need to design a ramp! the issue i think we will have is where to put it once its built! the bay in front of the cottage isn't deep enough. i really don't want to hit bottom (that what he said). we may just have to tow it out to the other side of the narrows when we want to use it. otherwise just leave it in the bay.
    anyhow. get the admin to let me join the gta jey pilots!

    Cool - I'm your local sheriff - I'm working thursday/friday nights 7pm to 7am. Giove me a call if you have a minute and I'll slide by and check out your ski and chat..

    Mike 416 399 8484
    Hey - My skis stored at the lake - I'll probably be going up this week to put it away for the year. I work - Ballantrae and am around often - We'll hook up soon. Like to see you ski - What are you taking at College? Mike
    Hey Dude - I just live in Markham - were in Stouffville do you live? Where you working at? I ride Musselmans lake often - Going to be putting ski away soon - But if you like we could ride there..this weekend..I have access. Let me know..Mike
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