Yamaha Kawasaki Polaris(650,750,780) and Seadoo twins are wasted spark 2 lobes single pick-up And not hall effect. 180 compression does not require any more that US 93 pump gas.
A microsecond is a unit of time. The symbol for microsecond is μs.
The base unit for a microsecond is second and the prefix is micro. The prefix micro is derived from the Greek mikrós meaning small and is symbolized as μ. Micro denotes a factor of one millionth (10-6) which means that there are...
From zeel prog. Compensation It is compensation of signal delay from pickup to spark plugs. You can check this delay with stroboscope lamp. Without this compensation, ignition advance angle decreasing with rising revs. Compensation helps that ignition advance is correct (accurate). How to check...
Thanks for the honest response. No im not selling Zeels im not interested in stepping on any toes for any established dealers with years of experience. I applaud your tireless work on the Zeel systems keep it up its much needed. Currently im on injured reserve from racing but hope to saddle up...
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