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  • do you still have the oem cranks what can you tell me about them years why your selling did you race with them what kind of condition are they in whats the lowest you will take for one
    what up still coming up this weekend w/ Annie? Just checking on some i haven't seen in the posts in a while. Updates on weekend under Reg. 6 Renegades chaper on pwctoday. anyone else coming up with ya?
    cheers, scott
    Hello, I am looking for some parts for my 98 superjet, and a friend told me to ask you, they said you might be able to help me. I'm after a Flame arrestor kit, with 2 addaptors, water by-pass and a primer kit or just 2 sets of nipples and plugs for carb. Maybe even a pipe if I can find a good deal on one.. my SJ is stock apart from, solas impellor, pro-tec ride plate and stuffer..
    I live in Ontario, Canada, allso wondering about shipping???

    Thanks for any help you can offer me..
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