Recent content by G-Body

  1. G-Body

    Surfriding Looking for 850 BB cylinder base gasket

    Do you have a spare base gasket that fits? When I run into odd gaskets I toss them on a scanner and get shape off of that. I have a silhouette cutter (different brand of cricut) that I can use to cut out whatever gaskets that I need. A vinyl sign cutter would also work, but I was able to...
  2. G-Body

    SJ AM parts

    If you still have the push intake grate I`ll take it.
  3. G-Body

    FX-1 nozzle diameter

    I really haven`t found anything stating if they were mixed flow or axial. There`s not much info on them and really no support for them. The impeller slides onto the shaft from the back and the shims go in front of it so the wear ring is tapered to narrow toward the front so that you can...
  4. G-Body

    FX-1 nozzle diameter

    Does anyone have a measurement for the bore of the factory FX-1 nozzle? Also are the impeller hub diameters the same as a 144mm superjet pump (60mm small hub and 75mm large hub? I`m working on a Brut pump which is 121mm so its very close to the FX-1 pump. It has a 72mm hub but only a 65mm...
  5. G-Body

    Yamaha Pump-to-hull bolt size - help solve a mystery!

    All of my superfreaks have use the M10 fine thread bolts.
  6. G-Body

    wet jet CDI unit 70000-0641

    The CDI he is asking about is the cuyuna nippon denso CDI that you can replace with the sno-stuff cdi which is also no longer available. Although I forgot about this thread which has the PN for a kimpex cdi that will work...
  7. G-Body

    wet jet CDI unit 70000-0641

    If your willing to install magnetic pickup it greatly opens your possibilities for CDI units. I made a reluctor that bolts to the front of the flywheel and will allow you to run anything from a $10 gy6 cdi up to a bit more expensive fully programmable CDI. You may also be able to remove the...
  8. G-Body

    wet jet CDI unit 70000-0641

    I think it has been a couple years since @WindyCitySki has stopped by and based on how it worked when I tried to tag him I think his screen name might not be active any longer. I believe the wet jet CDI part number at least for all of them that I have seen is 070000-0640 although I see that...
  9. G-Body

    Could anyone tell me what parts are in these pics?

    Better pipe for racing. I don`t think the issue is so much power with the pipe, but more maintenance. The b-pipe and coffman sizzler are small fairly lightweight pipes so they don`t tend to try and shift around as much as some of the larger heavier pipes therefore they tend to break less when...
  10. G-Body

    Flyboard Owners?

    Thats good to hear. I was looking for the quick connect swivels about a year ago and everyone was telling me there were no parts coming out of zapata and that production was discontinued. David was the only one that I found with them in stock but it sounded like they weren`t expecting anymore...
  11. G-Body

    Flyboard Owners?

    If its the wataboard ex2 pro I haven`t used that one but it looks very comparable to the Zapata boards. It does have the option to rotate your feet individually which will make it a lot easier to spin tighter corkscrews and turn in general. It also has a locking option which will make it easy...
  12. G-Body

    Flyboard Owners?

    With custom adapters they will attach to the back of other things as well. Definitely a fun time. What were you wondering? Zapata racing has discontinued them so parts for the zapata boards and the remote throttles are harder to find. But a lot of companies seem to be knocking off the boards...
  13. G-Body

    Other Looking for a good on gas fast jetski

    Depends how fast your looking for. My carbon freak will run 50mph with a worn out 701, coffman pipe, 46mm carb and wetjet intake. With a mix of WOT, cruising, and screwing around I get 3+ hours on a stock superjet tank. If its cold out and I`m just cruising cause its too cold to be...
  14. G-Body

    Seadoo pump behind snowmobile engine

    How about if you give the pump some air until that thing gets up on the pipe? 1" or a couple 3/4" NPT bungs in the intake side of the pump with an electronic solenoid valve. Let it pull some air into the pump until it spins up then use a window switch to close the vents.
  15. G-Body

    Unconventional DIY ignition setup on 787

    Based on what I read it sounds like you are using one of the GY6 scooter AC CDI`s. They don`t have much of a curve to them and I don`t think I have found one yet that pulls timing on the top end which is what we should have for a 2 stroke jetski motor. That being said they will get you back...
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