Recent content by hfthe3rd

  1. hfthe3rd

    SOLD RCW carbon brawler $6950

    Wow so funny I tracked it down ! I was just talking to him the other day about a different ski and I saw that he had ownership of it ! That’s pretty wild that it’s still going strong !
  2. hfthe3rd

    SOLD RCW carbon brawler $6950

    I almost wonder if this was my original brawler !
  3. hfthe3rd

    missing your helmet??????

    Cattle dogs !
  4. hfthe3rd

    First time erie rider

    No clue where that is but most of us rode at crystal beach in canada today
  5. hfthe3rd

    steering system recommendations

    I didn't want to start a new thread just wondering if anyone had any issues with the blowsion steering and nut
  6. hfthe3rd

    steering system recommendations

    Quick steering question, I have a blowsion system on mine and after a few minutes of riding the krok collar but comes loose all the time. I even put red lock tight on the nut and set screw . Is my bearing bad or something that's causing this. It's very obnoxious when out riding and my bars are...
  7. hfthe3rd

    Other Prop/Pump tuning after swap to a lighter hull?

    What's really funny about this is I felt that my new hull made more prop spin then before
  8. hfthe3rd

    Flat water flip guys. What's your most frequent fail?

    Belly flops don't hurt , just stay with the ski best advice
  9. hfthe3rd

    2014 Lake Erie Freeride

    Having it at sunset would be a party!
  10. hfthe3rd

    Selling a higher dollar ski ?

    That's what I did on my truck, I didnt let it go till I knew the check cleared .
  11. hfthe3rd

    Selling a higher dollar ski ?

    Alright guys thanks for the help!
  12. hfthe3rd

    Selling a higher dollar ski ?

    What's the best way to make a transaction when selling a ski worth more then 10k. I know cash is always the best way to make a deal but what if possibly shipping / crossing the border to canada? I have sold a truck before that and dealt with a certified check but that kind of put the buyer at...
  13. hfthe3rd

    2014 Lake Erie Freeride

    Yes I'm sure Brian will chime in but currently the owner is under investigation for a hit and run accident. It's all over the buffalo news.
  14. hfthe3rd

    Deka etx 9 battery length

    They swapped the battery out , after sitting on their trickle charger it wouldn't hold a full charge. I may upgrade my charger though but the cables I have is a brand new negative and positive is pretty decent Dad!
  15. hfthe3rd

    Deka etx 9 battery length

    Ya I don't even have a bilge on my new ski. I like the size and weight savings but hopefully I can get it returned with no problems and back on the water Tomm. I just don't know if my battery tender sucks but when I had a sit down I barely did anything to the battery (yes it was a bigger) one...
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