Recent content by natymatty

  1. natymatty

    I droped my phone for the last time and cant recieve calls, so You'll have to text me. Thats...

    I droped my phone for the last time and cant recieve calls, so You'll have to text me. Thats what happens when I drop it to many times lol!
  2. natymatty

    Wasssuuuuup Chris! Long time no see! Hey Im getting back into the jet ski game and Im looking...

    Wasssuuuuup Chris! Long time no see! Hey Im getting back into the jet ski game and Im looking for a descent rn and I have cash. Was wondering if you had or knew of any around for sale? (775)-443-2836 shoot me a text sometime id like to hear from yah! Hope everythings going great! ~Matty
  3. natymatty

    Thx Steve for the pic comment! Cheers! ~Matty!

    Thx Steve for the pic comment! Cheers! ~Matty!
  4. natymatty

    I dont have set prices yet still in the process of moving shop bro. Hopefully be up and running...

    I dont have set prices yet still in the process of moving shop bro. Hopefully be up and running again soon!
  5. natymatty

    Thanks for the comment! I build the parts you see on my pictures on here and on my website...

    Thanks for the comment! I build the parts you see on my pictures on here and on my website
  6. natymatty

    Hey Chris! I need your # I accidentally deleted all my phone numbers!!! Fuel cells ready for you...

    Hey Chris! I need your # I accidentally deleted all my phone numbers!!! Fuel cells ready for you if you want to show it off! ~Matty!
  7. natymatty

    Is your P.M. full I cant send you any messages but I was thinking 70$ plus s&h. ~Matty!

    Is your P.M. full I cant send you any messages but I was thinking 70$ plus s&h. ~Matty!
  8. natymatty

    Hey bro how are things going! ~Matty!

    Hey bro how are things going! ~Matty!
  9. natymatty

    Ski innovations RN Build!

    For Sale! This ski is up for grabs! P.M. me for details and price! And yes it's an affordable one off custom ski. ~Matty!
  10. natymatty

    Yes that is Tim Grays boat! Hes my rider and good friend! ~Matty!

    Yes that is Tim Grays boat! Hes my rider and good friend! ~Matty!
  11. natymatty

    Ski innovations RN Build!

    Thanks YAMA NUBE! It took me forever to build. But good things come to those who wait rite lol! ~Matty!
  12. natymatty

    Ski innovations RN Build!

    I gotcha bro! Havent forgoten about you Jason! I'm actually starting things up again this weekend! I'm finally getting things going out of the new shop! Some really awsome products to come!!! ~Matty!
  13. natymatty

    Ski innovations RN Build!

    Just for fun lol! I will post finished ski pics later tonight, I have to resize them.
  14. natymatty

    Ski innovations RN Build!

    Hello everyone! Been some time since i've posted so I thaught I mite post up my long and awaiting ski build! So give her a look and tell me what you think! -2002 Yama rn hull -painted cherry candy apple red along with new base clear underneath -footholds -Wdk Razr...
  15. natymatty

    Hows the builds coming along man! I cant wait for summer! I hope my ski will be ready! ~Matty!

    Hows the builds coming along man! I cant wait for summer! I hope my ski will be ready! ~Matty!
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