Recent content by TIMMAAY

  1. T

    2008 - 2020 Super Jet: How best to increase tighter nozzle steering

    I came across this nozzle when trying to solve this exact issue. KP Parts out of New Zealand I do not know if it offers a greater angle before contact. You would have to contact them.
  2. T

    Cant send private messages - read the first post

    Posting for PM's to order from Jet Maniac!
  3. T

    watercraft dolly

    That is crazy cheap! I don't understand how there is any profit at all there. Think about everything that has to go into the making of this. Materials sourcing, tube fab, assembly, packaging, shipping (from China to US, then US to US), advertising, sales costs. etc.
  4. T

    08+ Steering setup

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I think I'll just start by taking some measurements and calculating how much extra angle I can get at the nozzle end if I move the attachment locations. I'll compare that with what I know works well on my other skis. Then go from there.
  5. T

    08+ Steering setup

    Thanks Steve That's kinda what I was thinking too. All the turnplate can really do is change the reaction/speed of the cable movement. It would still be limited by the amount the cable could move at the nozzle end... I'll look into the JM adapter. I'm assuming he's got that listed in his...
  6. T

    08+ Steering setup

    I have a stock 2019 superjet and I'm looking to get improve the ability to make quick turns, especially at low speeds. Coming from my squarenoses where I could turn on a dime, with this new ski I feel like I am constantly against the lock and still have a huge turning radius. Unless I completely...
  7. T

    Trailer rebuild 2 to 4

    Very nice build! It's really coming together nice. Curiously, how much did the powder coat job run you? Did they blast and prep too? - When I rebuilt my trailer I went the rustoleum route, sprayed from a cheap gun. Yours turned out way better for sure.
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