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  • Can Am ride July 18-19 Crystal beach, i will be there on saturday, hope to see ya there.
    Dude - saw an old post of yours. Did you get dinged by customs with your Blowison order? Did you get those drop in hand holds? And did you buy underpad, glue/fiber glass dope supplies from around here?
    sounds like a blast I'd be there in a heartbeat. MUDCAT! NICE! Wife made plans with parents, probabaly need to go forward with them considering she demo'd there prop on their bowrida' a few weeks back on a rock shelf. It was actually kind of funny, to me at least.
    pffft, you got all summer at the cottage, come down this weekend with your crew and party. Dunnville Mudcat festival. Friday night setup camp, streetdance. saturday we ride, live band at my place after the ride, party party party, puke, party, sleep. whatever. if you want to ride in dunnville this weekend is the time to do it, hope to seeya here.
    ski should be done today. june 7 wknd i'll but at the cottage, i do need to come ride in dunville though...
    you and your crew want to come down for a ride this weekend? you gotta have your ski done by now. haha. let me know if you are and i can give you directions.
    Dude - Check out Riding Group posts..GTA - A few of us are going to Bass Lake near Barrie. I don't know much - but check the post and message us if your in..Mike
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