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  • hey, noticed you were from puget sound, i'm from kitsap county.
    You should join my FaceBook jet ski group and come out and ride when we have group gatherings!
    Search Kitsap Jet Ski on FB. Just created it yesterday but if you and any friends want to join in please do!
    I read a post on your SXR with the intake crossover tube blocked. The jetting you came up with 145High 75 Low and 1.5 Needle and Seat with stock spring. What mods did you have on your motor? I ask because I had some port work and also blocked the crossover tube, just trying to find a good starting point. Thanks a bunch Shawn
    That was a ported small pin 180 psi, tuning was toutchy but was a beast when I got it dialed, think I dropped to 140 mains
    I'm gonna try to make it but I need to at least refoam my ski, it's getting really bad!
    I got the sponson's you rock thank's alot Dude. Damm those thing's are Burley I think you did a hell of a job on them.
    Hey, just saw you were a local guy. I have been trying to get into the standup scene a little more and meet some new riding buddies. I go out to Sammamish or ride the Columbia with Travis132 alot.
    ya the ski is runnin way better with the pop off pressure and I routed my cooling differently so my pipe is runnin way cleaner. I need the correct jets and ill tune it in best I can. plugs look perfect so it is running good enough for now.
    We are doing good on this end! How is the arm penis healing??? On another note....sadly we are not going to be able to swing the trip to Oregon.....due to me being on strike from work for almost two months and not getting paid in two and a 1/2 just doesn't look good! We tried to hold off but its just not worth going into debt if you know what I mean! However, we are a for sure for hopefully we will hook up then!
    Do you know JetskiFever? He wants to buy my wdk stuff and pay 50% until he receives shipment, checking out his credibility with a few peolpe
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