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  • if this is morty gundy

    1994 jet ski sport cruiser help
    i just bought this jet ski sport cruiser from a friend. its kinda wierd becuase you sit next to eachother rather than behind. anyways i have a question about installing the exhuast. there are two parts, there is the water box which is located at the rear and then the muffler which is in the middle between the water box and motor, ok here is the question, there is a hose that goes from the head on the motor to the the top of the first part of the muffler but directly down about 3 inches there is another hose connected to it which i dont where it goes i can send pics to email to help clarify if needed. the hose is about 2 and a half feet. i know it part of exhuast cooling but no idea where it goes, does any one know. thank you and replys are gretly appreciated. p.s. its a 650cc
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