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  • Hey I wanted to order one of your ratcheting strap kits but don't have a paypal. Please either text me at 262-689-4063 or email at . Lookin forward to hearin from ya! Thanks!
    Tom Fransee
    Hey your PM box is full. But yea whenever you can get it out ( tues ) will be fine. Thanks again.
    I am looking for a starter for my '93 blaster 701 62E motor. I was told you are the man to see about one. Do you have one for sale?
    Hey man my name is chad. I am buddies with travis. I am looking for a pump seal for a superjet. He said he was going to be around your neck of the woods sunday. I can pay you through pay pal and he can pick it up if you are going to be around. Thanks bro!

    You don´t happened to have any used exhaust hose that goes between the pipe and the waterbox, to a SJ 700/650 laying around?

    It dosen´t have to be top quality, as long as it´s not full of cracks...

    Let me know when you can get a price on the x-metal adjustable pole combo for me. I have the cash in hand. no rush of course but sooner rather than later if possible. also I think you may have recieved the old p.o.s. engine either today or tomorrow. if you havent recieved it yet lemme know and I'll dig up the tracking #.
    Chris thank you so much for putting together that engine for me, it is wicked fun. too bad my shoulders are killing me now from trying to hold on. Im not sure if I broke the ski in, or the ski broke me in ;) all is going great with it. the starter will get sent back to you today. I'm hoping i can get out of work to get it going today. If you wanna get me back a credit/discount toward a trim system thats fine. The guy that i bought the raider nozzle from is seeming to be a little flaky, I ups tracking address that is going to somewhere in Florida, I live in maryland. somehow I dont think its going to get to me.
    I need some gaskets for a Kawi 750. The intake gaskets and the exhaust gaskets. My buddy said you might have them to sell to me. Let me know.

    hey man i tried to pm u but ur box is full lol. im wanted to order from you tonight so i can hopefully get on the water by the weekend! thanks!
    Hi Chris, I know you guys are super busy, but just checking in on the motor. Not trying to rush you at all, just excited to get it ripping around. I'll have my ski back from the paint shop early next week, and i'm eager to start getting everything set. Anyway, have a great weekend and send my reguards to Blue!
    Seeing if you have any hood hooks and ratch straps left? Pm me with paypal if so. Thanks
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