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  • B
    Still have the 97 SJ hull? How much?
    Hey Dude - Thanks - sorry I took so long getting back to you. What Boris PM - Is it Boris? I remeber seeing him on here just not sure what he went by.

    So ya I'll be in Fort Myers 24/25/26th quick vist at friends. Love to check out any store that might be close. Maybe be looking to purchase couple few items if they have them. Coming from Canada and we always have to order stuff - Like to see it before I order and maybe save shipping.

    Also I don't know if you or one of the other guys are able to or not - but I'd Love to ride a ski while I'm there - if even for like 15 min or so _ I really don't have much time and can't spend the whol eday hanging - but to ride for a few minutes would be cool?

    Let me know - Thanks Mike
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