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  • hey my buddy bought similar hydro turf for his sxr and he tried applying it with contact cement similar to regular turf but it didn't stick well at all. Did you go something different or have any tips with that type of turf on the sides?
    I used Dap weldwood contact cement from Home Depot. Apply it with a brush on both the hull and the mat. Wait until it is almost completely dry - just a little sticky, then put the parts together (better get it right first time, as you aren't going to be moving them) then hammer the mat down with a rubber mallet. And glue the edges down with super glue.
    Best of luck! Mike
    Oh and make sure it is warm when you're applying the cement. If its cold then the glue won't set up and won't stick.
    Also the mat absorbs loads of glue, so you might try applying 2 coats of glue, let the first set completely overnight. Then apply second to both surfaces, let them set then press the mat down.
    thanks appreciate it I'll let him know. Sounds similar to the other method just the leaving it over night and probably using a lot more. super glue is a good idea too yours looks like it came out nice.
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