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    Superjet soccer 2018 video

    WOW! The JUMBO FIFA we've been discussing above is now less than half the cost of what I've been paying! Just go to and type in the following code at check-out FRIEND25 Better act fast because they say inventory is getting low. If...
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    Superjet soccer 2018 video

    Hey Iconic: Sorry for my delay. There's a zillion manufacturers in this part of China, however she was able to custom size the one above. If you'd like to look into different prices, specifications, colors and material thickness, has them all: Megan Zheng Email...
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    Superjet soccer 2018 video

    3M Wide X 2M High X 3M base is proven to be sturdy and stable. There's a-lot of surface to catch the wind so a 3lb. anchor is also used. This is what we've found works well provided you keep the heavier skis off the ball. I also keep a case of beer cold for our post shoot-out recap ;) HAVE FUN!
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