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  1. K

    300/440/550 complete 300 for sale

    id totally take it if i lived near you...unfortunately Im in Dallas..
  2. K

    300/440/550 Ocean Pro ride plate for 300/440/550

    Right click>open image in tab to view...idk why it isnt working
  3. K

    300/440/550 Ocean Pro ride plate for 300/440/550

    If interested,let me know 40 bucks
  4. K

    Noob to stand ups

    ok thanks, i didn't think it would...i think I actually saw in on a youtube video comment..
  5. K

    Noob to stand ups

    Im learning to do slides and I read somewhere that you need to let off the throttle when the pump breaks loose, otherwise when it hooks back up, it can break the shaft? Is this true?
  6. K

    Freestyle Slides and 180s

    Hey guys, I am new to the jet ski I just bought my first ski about 3 weeks ago. I have a 90 300SX...and while it may be a tad small by most, It is mint condition and it runs great! I have a quick question, I saw somewhere that when sliding or doing a 180, that you are suppose to...
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