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  1. bryantd216

    2000 kawasaki 900stx NO SPARK

    Fuses all good, by ebox you mean the entire box itself or something inside? Would it still try to turn over with a bad ground tho?
  2. bryantd216

    2000 kawasaki 900stx NO SPARK

    Yea, good idea. Thanks for the help.
  3. bryantd216

    2000 kawasaki 900stx NO SPARK

    Not fire, but considered blowing it up.
  4. bryantd216

    2000 kawasaki 900stx NO SPARK

    I've got a 2000 kawasaki stx 900 I got for a great deal from a friend...when I got it it ran rough so I had the carbs rebuilt, then After noticed that I noticed the spark was rather weak, I did a little research and decided to clean the stator and fly wheel hoping for better spark....well it...
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