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  1. jettechnow


    Were still coming Robby, Just wasn't expecting a problem like this!!! MOOSE
  2. jettechnow


    My ski is all custom and has no Numbers on it. This sucks, I was looking forward to this. Me and four others were leaving tomorrow.
  3. jettechnow

    Whats the georgia crew got planned for 09??

    Georgia Crew Me, Craig, and the firemarshall will be at The Daytona ride, and the Pensacola Ride. Can't wait!!!
  4. jettechnow

    we finally got a hurricane coming!!!

    The surf in Panama City was insane today:headbang:
  5. jettechnow

    Jettechnow's Ski

    Love it. The motor I put in does real good in it
  6. jettechnow

    what's the best MPG you get in tow?

    I got 8.5 towing an enclosed trailer with three sj's to Pennsecola in a Dodge Ram 1500. Is that good:thumbsdown::261:
  7. jettechnow

    Jettechnow's Ski

    Its got ported 61x cases and cylinders are resleeved to a 760 and ported Lightened flywheel Riva Powerbomb 48 Factory B Pipe mod Chamber Enhancer ADA Head 33cc domes It has a lot of BRRAAAAP
  8. jettechnow

    Jettechnow's Ski

    I bought the hull from Goose.He made it or had it made. It really works good, its very strong and light.
  9. jettechnow

    Jettechnow's Ski

    -3 hull, and Wamiltons Trim.
  10. jettechnow

    Hey Justin, Congrats on the new addition to your family

    Hey Justin, Congrats on the new addition to your family
  11. jettechnow

    who runs 62t jugs in there SJ?

    I am running 62t at 85.5 mm with 61 x cases, Riva Powerbomb 48, and a B Pipe and it makes awsome power
  12. jettechnow

    factory pipe not impressed

    The Pipes are nice, The customer service absolutely _ucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. jettechnow

    hey, Gil we are camping again July 3rd through the 6th Over by lake Lanier Islands. If you are...

    hey, Gil we are camping again July 3rd through the 6th Over by lake Lanier Islands. If you are Game PM me
  14. jettechnow

    Wahoo just ordered a b pipe!

    I just ordered one yesterday and they said that they only had one manifold left. So I think they must be catching on :haha:
  15. jettechnow

    Factory pipe, B vs. dry?

    That is one of the reasons for me switching pipes. I Don't like how it bolts to my head. It does make awsome power though.
  16. jettechnow

    My foot is a little better, it is healing slow because I am stubborn and won't stay off of it...

    My foot is a little better, it is healing slow because I am stubborn and won't stay off of it. We are camping again July 3 to the 6th on the lake. It should be a good time, and you and Jerrad are welcome to join us. I am trying to finish up a Freestyle hull I just bought, to bring out that...
  17. jettechnow

    Factory pipe, B vs. dry?

    I just ordered a B Pipe with the mod chamber. I was running a Protec Mach 2 Pipe. I hope this pipe makes an improvement
  18. jettechnow

    WOW!! a sick custom surf ski

    That thing looks awsome. nice job!!!!:fing02:
  19. jettechnow

    i need a new job

    You have to load trucks for two or 3 years and then hopefully you can become a driver. They get paid though
  20. jettechnow

    So who wants a fully setup PWC shop in GA

    I don't understand all the bashing on Lpw.Paul is a very nice guy and always a pleasure to talk to. I also have a Marine service shop here in Forsyth County, and business is slow because of the Lake level and Fuel on the lake is 5.00 a gallon. What a wasted thread!!!!!!!!!!:AR15firing:
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