Some people don't plan on removing them, rusting into place doesn't do anything except add a layer of security its not coming off by accident. And the balls are bright green. You seen them, and therefor don't smash your shin into them.
We have a raider for my daughter, its one of the earlier actual fiberglass hulls. Someone at one point ran into rocks with it by the looks of the bottem, some of the gouges are all the way to the fiberglass. Thankfully its still good to go and not leaking, so I just want to fill in the gouges...
I've never heard a bad thing about their work, ever.
They are a tad conservative, but if your a rec rider thats a good thing.
I had them do some machine work for me and I was impressed with their work and talking to them on the phone.
We have aftermarket boxes on both our SN's. Mine was only because the oem fiberglass blew out and I needed anything asap. My buddy had a RN aftermarket box laying around so thats whats in it now. Neither is very loud to be honest with aftermarket pipes. I've had loud ski's and these aren't them.
What is it with 650sx's and jumps? The marina at Lake Pleasant has a breakwater made up of giant construction tires chained together floating. I jumped them with my old 650sx too. Now I kinda miss that ski.
I had a '43 inland M1 carbine for a few years, its was excellent. I only sold it to fund my FAL build. While I still prefer my FAL, I miss the carbine massively. It was a great rifle.
Ya know its funny, the more I tried to find info on them the more I started leaning to the APEX as well. Got hit with lots of crazy expenses and never had the chance to buy anything so hopfully this winter I find a sweet deal.
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