Search results

  1. G-Body

    FX-1 nozzle diameter

    Does anyone have a measurement for the bore of the factory FX-1 nozzle? Also are the impeller hub diameters the same as a 144mm superjet pump (60mm small hub and 75mm large hub? I`m working on a Brut pump which is 121mm so its very close to the FX-1 pump. It has a 72mm hub but only a 65mm...
  2. G-Body

    Ignition trigger systems

    I have been looking into programmable ignition systems for 428 cuyuna that powers my ski-free. Being that ignition components are difficult to find and I have an extra engine thats missing the ignition I wanted to try to put a newer programmable ignition on. The biggest hurdle I see is trigger...
  3. G-Body

    2016 Carbon WDK RIP $6500

    2016 WDK RIP carbon hull Currently setup as a backup ski with stock 6m6 650, Kawasaki 650sx pipe with adapter, 144mm pump shoe, 144mm stock pump with a nujet destroyer impeller, kart tank, Rrp pole. Would sell complete and running or minus drivetrain. Currently located about an hour from...
  4. G-Body

    650sx head pipe

    Anyone have a stock kawasaki 650sx head pipe that they wouldn't mind selling? Looking for a 3 bolt like this.
  5. G-Body

    How much carbon/resin for tray

    I have a leak between the driveshaft tube and the bulkhead of my superfreak so it looks like I`m going to be cutting the tray opened to fix it. I know there`s multiple people who have had to do this so I`m just trying to get an idea of how much epoxy resin and carbon cloth I should expect to...
  6. G-Body

    Center crankshaft seal questions

    How tolerant are the labrynith center seals of pitted crankshaft surfaces compared to the standard TC style oil seals? I have a few Cuyuna 428 motors and so far the 2 that I have torn down have had rusty crankshafts. The first one I was able to put back together using multiple redi-sleeves on...
  7. G-Body

    Midshaft spacer

    Back when I first assembled my 2010 superfreak I didn't know anything about needing a midshaft spacer. I've been running it without a spacer for years, but I have it apart for a new midshaft housing and a bunch of other repairs. It does have a small wear mark from the housing rubbing. I was...
  8. G-Body

    2016 WDK Rip $5500

    Thinking of selling my 2016 black carbon fiber WDK Rip hull, RRP pole/bars, ride plate, and intake grate. I picked up a superfreak hull and I am planning on pulling the drivetrain out of the RIP to put it in the freak. I don`t really have a need for the RIP hull, so if someone is looking for...
  9. G-Body

    WTB MSD TL flywheel magnet holder

    I`m looking for the black piece that holds the magnet on the right flywheel in this picture. I sent an e-mail to MSD, but I figured I would try here just in case someone had a trashed flywheel and the magnet holder was in good shape. Its for a Polaris octane flywheel, but I hope they are all...
  10. G-Body

    TL flywheel missing parts?

    Can anyone help identify this flywheel and confirm if I'm missing parts. The flywheel came with my PSI Genesis 1155 parts pile. So I think it's originally intended for a srx. I thought it was an msd flywheel, but it looks like the msd flywheels have msd stamped into them. What is killing me is...
  11. G-Body

    Wiseco 9800ST

    Anyone happen to know where there's a set or preferably 2 sets of NOS wiseco 9800ST piston rings? They are discontinued by wiseco.
  12. G-Body

    Superjet intake grate measurement

    Does anyone know what the bolt spacing on factory superjet intake grate is? I'm trying to drill the pump shoe on my freak, I have 2 aftermarket grates and they don't match. The jet dynamics is 2.361" between the holes and 13.7775" between holes front to back. The other grate has no name, but...
  13. G-Body

    Anyone know about this superfreak?

    I have wanted another full length swoopy sided superfreak since I first bought mine. Anyway I found one down in Texas and picked it up yesterday. Tem must have had a bunch of different bottom designs because this one is much more superjet like than mine. My original is a 2010 and is has the...
  14. G-Body

    Fiberglass or carbon pole

    Anyone have a superfreak, xft, skiworks, polar composites, etc pole that they want to sell? I am running a RN pole at the moment, but the kink just does not match my hoodline. I want to stay with a fiberglass or carbon pole, as I don`t like the aluminum pole that I have on my other ski. I...
  15. G-Body

    SOLD: 92 SN Superjet $1750

    I have a clean 1992 650 superjet that I really don`t use anymore. The only thing that is not stock is a set of 0 degree bars/grips, it has a pisser added, and one of the previous owners replaced the e-box with a sitdown box so it has the extra connector hanging out. I am missing the nose...
  16. G-Body

    How to build your own trim cables

    A few pics of how I make my own trim cables. It is fairly easy to do, but you will need a lathe and drill press. I use a spool of wescon cable conduit (ok I only bought enough to do my cable since there`s a place near me that sells it by the foot). you can order it online through...
  17. G-Body

    carb help random power loss

    I have a 61x 701 with a sbn44 and coffman sizzler pipe 1.5ns 95g spring 120 Pilot 145 high. 13/16 out on the low speed adjuster and 2 to 2.5 out on the high speed. Earlier in the summer it was inconsistent on the high speed mixture. Some days it ran great other days I would have to play with...
  18. G-Body

    Pump identification question.

    Anyone have any idea what this pump was originally designed for? It is in a surfango jet kayak that my dad picked up but the impeller is done. It's a 100mm pump but it has extra cast in steering bosses and used adapter plates to mount it so it must have been used in something else. Surfango...
  19. G-Body

    WDK bracket what bolt?

    What pole bolt do I need to run with a water dawg kustoms pole bracket? I had a square nose bolt but it was way too long and I had a 3 inch stack of washers on it. I picked up a round nose bolt but it is flush with the end of the bracket, I can`t even get a jam nut on. I need a stainless bolt...
  20. G-Body

    Start/stop switch springs

    I had my start switch fail and when I opened it up I found out that the one spring was rusted. It looks like the spring is 5/64" OD by 1/4" length. I found a company that makes springs this size in stainless steel...but they have a minimum order and I really don`t need a fistful of extra...
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