Search results

  1. MarkWalker

    Deal on V-Force 3's !

    Cyber Deal now through Wednesday, 30% off everything. Free shipping if over $100. Yamaha 701/760 V-Force 3 reeds $180.60!
  2. MarkWalker

    Dasa vs PHP Intake

    ,To those that have run both, notice any difference? Which is the preferred? The good, the bad and the ugly on either?
  3. MarkWalker

    2024 Presque Isle Freeride!

    The date was chosen at the annual "board of directors" meeting in Daytona at Peppers Mexican restaurant. The Presque Isle Freeride will be held July 12-15. Once again at Budny Beach (Beach 10) in Presque Isle state park in Erie PA. Come on out and ride!
  4. MarkWalker

    Hopefully not the Rickter hulls farewell announcement.

    Posted on their site last night.
  5. MarkWalker

    Daytona 2022

    Next week! Can't wait!
  6. MarkWalker

    Presque Isle Lake Erie Freeride July 15-17 2022

    The crew will be at Beach 10! Come on out and ride!
  7. MarkWalker

    2022 Daytona pics!

    2022 was amazing! This event is getting bigger and better every year. Drop your pics below.
  8. MarkWalker

    2022 Daytona pics!

    2022 was amazing! This event is getting bigger and better every year. Drop your pics below.
  9. MarkWalker

    2022 Daytona Roll Call

    January will be here before you know it. The host Resort is booking up faster than ever. Sponsors are lining up. Who all is headed to the premier event on the east coast?
  10. MarkWalker

    Shelf clean up

    A few parts left. MSD coil. Came out of running ski $40 RRP scupper. Used, still good $20 Everything else is sold. Thanks everyone! All prices are Plus Shipping and PP fees.
  11. MarkWalker

    This weekend July 16-18 2021 it's a go!

    Come on out to beach 10 (Budney Beach) at Presque Isle State Park this weekend.
  12. MarkWalker

    Pre-08 Round Nose Ride Plate

    Hi. Looking for a Pre-08 RN aftermarket ride plate. Just seeing what's out there before I buy new. Thanks!
  13. MarkWalker

    High RPM on start up after sitting.

    Anytime my ski sits for a few days, when I go to start it, the RPM's go way up for about 20 seconds (feels like forever) and then slowly comes back down to idle. Any idea how I can stop this from happening? Thanks! 964 TPE Dasa 48's RRP pipe Zeel
  14. MarkWalker

    B-pipe advice

    Looking for a little advice. I recently picked up a RN with a smoked piston. Made a few changes. Was a 62T cylinder. Changed to 61X cylinder, had it ported with "Yamanube" templates. The ski came with a FX1 chamber B-pipe. I also have a brand new Mod chamber B-pipe. So. Do I run the FX1 chamber...
  15. MarkWalker

    RN WaterBox

    I'm looking for an OEM round nose waterbox. Message me what you have!
  16. MarkWalker

    Wanted: Zeel Wiring diagram for installing curve switch

    Hi. Without having to go thru the 70 pages on the Zeel unit. Does anyone have a wiring diagram to install a switch for the 2 curve set up? Thank You!
  17. MarkWalker

    Zeel switch?

    What's everybody using for a curve changing switch on their Zeeltronics? And pics of where you mounted it! Thanks!
  18. MarkWalker

    SV-1 Ride plate

    Anyone have a spare ride plate for an TigerCraft SV-1 they would like to sell? Thank You!
  19. MarkWalker

    Adjusting the drag on a Thrust OVP steering.

    Is there an adjustment to tighten a Thrust OVP steering somehow? I would like to have a little more drag on my steering. Thank you!
  20. MarkWalker

    2020 Who's going?

    July 10-12 Presque Isle Free ride. Roll call!
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