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  1. dpenta13

    Blaster Intermitten loss of power

    Me and my buddy just picked up a couple of WB1s we are having a problem with his losing power its a 62t/61x pro tec head and exhaust. Dual 38s Cylinder was ported back in the day by DBP (Dallas Baker Performance i believe) at the moment im not sure what the carbs are set at or whats done...
  2. dpenta13

    Super Jet Battery Ground

    Hey guys getting close to the end of my build and need to put the ground wire for my battery in. I forgot to order one for the Sj at the right length but I have one in my garage that is shorter. Can i ground it to any part of the motor or does it have to go to one of the starter posts?
  3. dpenta13

    Wear Ring Question

    I sent my pump out to Thrust to be assembled, I is a Solas Magnum Stator, OEM driveshaft, Aftermarket wearring with plastic liner and Hooker 10/16. I got the pump back yesterday and the prop is hitting the wear ring and i cant spin it. Will this fix itself and shave to wear ring down when i...
  4. dpenta13

    Charging AG Battery

    Thrust sent me an Antigravity 16 Cell battery, I ordered one of the EarthX batteries they have now but I'm not sure if they were out and sent me the AG because I did ask him about the AG too. I'm cool with either one but my question is do I need the Antigravity charger to charge their batteries...
  5. dpenta13

    Super Jet Ebox Question

    I am putting the ebox in the SJ i am building, its a 97 RN Does it matter which of the red cables i hook up to starter and which to battery, both connect to starter relay correct? Also i am using a CF ebox mount is it ok if the cables come out of the bottom of the box? (upside down) or is that...
  6. dpenta13

    Direction of carbs

    I picked up a used set of silver SBN 44s In all of the pics of different skis the diaphrams face to the outside of the hull and the fuel pumps are in toward the motor. And the throttle linkage is toward the front of the ski. The ones I got when you link them together and put them on the...
  7. dpenta13

    Carb Tuning Thread

    Does anyone have a link to the thread that gives all of the basic carb tubing info. Like what each jet does, needle and seat, and the effects of going richer or leaner on each. Thought i read it before but cant find it
  8. dpenta13

    Hood Hooks

    I have a Wamiltons Gen IV hood that is going on my SJ I need to buy a set of hood hooks and catches, hood side and hull side. Do I need to go with a set from Wammer or can I go with any set from other manufacturers, I don't want to have to do and modifications just for hood hooks.
  9. dpenta13

    Girdled Head help

    Building my motor today, All is together and I am putting the head on. The studs for the girdle kit seem to be too long. Also they are all the same length. One side has more threads than the other and i tried both ways.
  10. dpenta13

    What primer to use.

    I'm getting my hull ready to go to paint, I am going to be doing all of the prep work and priming the jet ski myself. Can any of you paint guys recommend a good primer to use. I'm only priming the top half of the hull the bottom is getting epoxy coated. What's a good primer to paint over for an...
  11. dpenta13

    Power Difference from 35cc domes to 33cc

    Going to be assembling my motor this week. Its a 61x cyl with 64u cases. New SBT crank, Ported 735cc cylinder from JM. And a Thrust Girdled Head with ADA domes. I have 33cc domes coming for the setup. I am a little nervous on running that compression. I want to keep it reliable. Just wanted...
  12. dpenta13

    300/440/550 550sx wont start after running

    Having trouble with a 88 550sx. Has a factory 550 piston port motor. I believe it is bored to a 600cc or close. Has milled head. Coffman Pipe, Side draft manifold with mikuni 44. Thats all i really have for specs at the moment, until i look at it again next week. The ski runs perfect the...
  13. dpenta13

    Somthing Like Bondo

    I want somthing that i can use to smooth small imperfections as a finish before painting and smooth over the edges of the layers of fiberglass. Im pretty sure bondo is not an option, what can i thicken my epoxy with that will work similar to bondo and make it thick enough not to run?
  14. dpenta13

    Mixing Fuel Octanes

    I am going to be running 33cc domes on my ported 735 i was told I could run 93 octane but have to limit the time im at WOT Does anyone mix with somthing like a 110 octane? or i believe a C12? Not looking for more power, but if i am running a higher compression will it be worth running higher...
  15. dpenta13

    Super Jet Hood Seal Question.

    I have a Wammer hood coming for my 97 SJ. I also have a surf seal that I was planning on using. Will the surf seal work with the Wammer gen iv hood. Wamiltons says the part of the hood that contacts the seal is a bit wider for a better seal. Is it worth spending the extra money and getting an...
  16. dpenta13

    Super Jet Ebox Question

    I am going to be buying a complete ebox for my 97 Sj plan on running Atp epic and msd coil. should i just buy the ebox shell and asemble an ebox? i dont want to buy an ebox and not need the cdi or coil any input
  17. dpenta13

    Super Jet Port my own cases or send them out?

    Hey guys, i want to get my cases ported, i have a ported top end from jet maniac. i heard porting the cases is pretty easy but i want it done right. I looked on some home porting threads but i cant figure out were its being grinded down and epoxied by the pictures i dont have my cases in front...
  18. dpenta13

    Super Jet Custom Graphics

    whats a good place to have a grapghic kit made? im keeping it simple. Any reccomendations?
  19. dpenta13

    Super Jet WDK and Wammer Hood Fitment

    Hey everyone, I have a WDK hood that I picked up used, it fits ok but not perfect, I could modify the bottom that a seal would go on to get it to fit better, it needs to go lower to get the body lines to be flush and one side sits about 1/8" higher or so. For the most part do all aftermarket...
  20. dpenta13

    Want To Shorten Hull

    I have a 97 RN and i want to shorten the back 3" I was just looking at the hull and making some lines and measurments to cut but i cant seem to get the lines right. I think i am over thinking it. I want to angle cut it as well not straight cut. Can somone chime in with some info on the proper...
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