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  1. Ross_C

    Surfriding Champion Freeride FP1

    Before getting this started, I really need to send out a big thanks to the great companies that are helping make this possible, FP Jet Skis, Cold Fusion , Kommander Industries, DASA Racing, Blowsion, and Hydro-Turf. I'm really fortunate to be at a point in my life where I can pick the companies...
  2. Ross_C

    Surfriding Pole options and thoughts....

    I'd like to try and start a real discussion on handle pole options. I understand that lots of you guys have a pole sponsor, and I would love to hear your input if it is something more than "ABC pole is the best." I rode for UMI for a long time, and have one on my current ski, but I'm...
  3. Ross_C

    Surfriding Thoughts on the Blowsion Trick Tips Video?

    Hey guys...has been pretty quite on my end since Blowsion released this, I thought putting this video together would be a good way to say thanks to a great community and some amazing sponsors that helped me have a really incredible few years. And I thought that hopefully it would help to get a...
  4. Ross_C

    Surfriding Fist Full of Foam, A Blowsion Trick Tips Odyssey is finally out!

    This is a project that was a ton of fun to work on and was only realized through a tremendous effort by all involved. My goal in putting this project together was to create a fun, but really comprehensive DVD that not only teach the mechanics of the tricks that we do, but all aspects of...
  5. Ross_C

    Blowsion Trick Tips Teaser! DVD will be out early spring!

    I'm very happy to officially release the teaser for our Blowsion Trick Tips DVD, look for the complete DVD early spring! I'm more excited about this project than any thing I've worked on up to this point. The structure of the video is loosely based on my freeride clinics, and teaches everything...
  6. Ross_C

    Other Looking for honest feedback...Who/What do you use and want and why?

    I know this is kind of a nebulous question, but I am really interested to know who you guys buy from and why. And what you guys are looking for. Does everyone want an aftermarket hull? Why? Which one? Motor wise, are you guys only building 1000cc PV motors? Who don't you buy from and why...
  7. Ross_C

    Rental Skis for Blowsion Surf Slam...

    Hey guys, I've got a couple of friends looking for boats for the event. Maxime Baroero, is a two time French National freeride Champ and is a super nice guy. He is looking for either a stock hull or a Rickter with a flat water style motor and trim. Tim Allen is racer from New Zeland...
  8. Ross_C

    BOB Review

    So...this review has been a long time coming. And I've taken so much time to give my review of it because I wanted to be sure that I had sufficient time on the hull to really get used to it, and try to understand it as well as I could. I also wanted to have some other people ride it and get...
  9. Ross_C

    Anyone using the extended throw steering cable from Shmitty?

    I think his name is Shmitty on here. We would be using all of our own steering components, but I like the idea of having a cable with an extra .5 inches of throw. Anyone here have any experience with it and/or feedback?
  10. Ross_C

    Kommander Industries BOB Build Thread....

    This build thread will go through the whole process from my initial impressions and experiences with my BOB (Bobbie) through the actual build and in to testing and developing the hull to work in the surf. After riding the hull in Parker, I felt like I would need more forward weight bias to make...
  11. Ross_C

    Kommander Industries BOB Build!

    Hey Guys, Just wanted to let you all know that the Ski Clinic's Extra Strength BOB #12 has just arrived at the Kommander Industries new shop in Phoenix, AZ. I'll be headed out there tomorrow and we will start building him...or her, I think mine is a girl. I'm gonna say BOB is short for...
  12. Ross_C

    Anyone driving from the South West to FL any time soon?

    Any chance you have room for a standup? I'm trying to get a ski to FL and can drop it off anywhere within about 350 miles of San Diego...would be happy to kick down a few hundred for gas also. The ski is probably going to ship next week anyway, but if someone is headed over and has...
  13. Ross_C

    Mason Waddle Fund Raiser Dinner June 13th in San Clemente

    For all you Southern California guys, Chris Rosner and his family have organized a great little dinner and get together Sunday June 13th in San Clemente. I know this is the same weekend as the Impros party at the river, I will be there also. But this will go off on Sunday night from 7-11pm...
  14. Ross_C

    Watercraft Enthusiast Dinner tonight in Carlsbad

    This will be our second monthly dinner held on the third thursday of every month. This time it will be at our North County location, at Gregorio's Restaurant in Carlsbad at 7pm. Looking forward to seeing everyone again tonight.
  15. Ross_C

    Monthly Thursday night Watercraft enthusiast dinner

    I've been thinking and talking to people about this for some is my idea, and what I'm planning on doing here in San Diego County. I would like to try and bring the watercraft community a little closer together as a whole. We are going to be much stronger on a local level if we...
  16. Ross_C

    You guys remember this commercial?

    The guy on the SJ that does a stab in the surf? His name is Christian Creuso. The commercial ran in South America last year. I just met him when I was in Argentina last month. He wound up third in their first Argentinean Freeride National Championships...pretty cool.
  17. Ross_C

    Anyone have an Old School neon Jet Pilot suit for a photo shoot?

    Hey guys...RL is doing a photo shoot for a 70's 80's retrospective and is looking to borrow a early neon Jet Pilot suit. Will probably not even get it wet. Does any one have a neon suit that has been haning in the garage for the past 20 years or so? :biggrin:
  18. Ross_C

    BareSkin Sports has been launched!!

    Hey Guys, Jake Womack and I have now officially launched our new product, the BareSkin! The BareSkin will allow you to change anywhere and still keep warm and covered up, plus you can use it to dry off just like a towel becuase it is made from 100% terry cloth. It is easy to use...
  19. Ross_C

    More Double Backs from France?

    Rumor has it from a very credible (albeit a bit harry) French photographer Ludo of, that Pierre has completed not one, or two, but three double back flips. First two were clean from what I understand, thrid was a bit over rotated and landed flat, that one eneded the session...
  20. Ross_C

    The Double Back Flip

    Gil Beurnier did it today during the final ride here in France at the Hossegor Air will probably be on youtube some time tonight!!!!!! He came up a touch short, I would call it a double flip. He broke motor mounts and the battery when he landed. IF he had not done that I...
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