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    JET SKI PARKING SPOTS for truck beds/boat decks/ front of trailers

    Hey there X-H20 peeps!! We are slowly expanding our Jet-Ski product line and I wanted to share with you our Jet SKI "parking spots" These are very simple minimalist style incorporating a metal frame with tabs to bolt/screw/ weld to truck beds. decks of boats, or across the front of a trailer...

    Ez-Ski Hitch Haulers Generation 2! 100% Steel no wood bunks!

    As luck would have it some POS blatantly copied our V1 Hitch Hauler and began selling it via FACEBOOK!.. Well this kicked me into HIGH gear to "step up our game" X-H20 I give you the Ez-Ski Hitch Haulers Gen2!! made in both V1 ( basic single ski) and V2 ( built in Hitch for towing) These...

    EZ-SKI single and dual fuel jug carriers... questions for all of you ..

    So I have gotten a TON of requests to build an accessory for the V2 haulers . ( dual and single fuel jug holders. similar to ones in these pics.) These will be especially helpful to those of you that have SUVs, Vans etc being that you will no longer worry about fuel spills and fumes inside of...

    EZ-SKI Hitch Hauler for New Kawasaki 1500 4 stroke stand up!

    This carrier is built specifically for the New Kawi 1500 stand-up. However it does have an adjustable front bunk so it will also fit ANY stand-up ski made as well as B1's (Blaster 1s and X2's. This carrier runs 265.00 and has a Lifetime Warranty just as all of our carriers do. Please feel free...

    FREE Hitch Hauler Giveaway AGAIN.......

    Same as last year , I will have my evil ski ninjas passing out fliers on all of the cars in the parking lots and around Havasu at the Finals . ONE flier will have a special marking on it and the lucky person who receives this flier will be shipped a V2 Ez-SKi Hitch Hauler ABSOLUTELY FREE.

    FREE HITCH HAULER giveaway World Finals Havasu

    Ok X-H20 , To show my appreciation for this site, our sport, and to "pay it forward", I will be giving away an EZ-SKI v2 Hitch hauler . I have hired a band of ninjas to put Ez-Ski Fliers on every ski, vehicle with a ski, person that looks like they jet ski , hot women, pets of skiers , (well...

    Looking for help designing a logo for EZ-SKI Hitch Haulers... check it out!

    Ok great vast members of the "X" I am a welder , fabricator,crane operator, operations manager, semi decent BBQer, motoX rider , tattoo collector etc etc etc .. WHAT I AM NOT is a graphic Designer!! I am horrible at it ( like 5 year old with crayola horrible) Here is what i am needing help...

    Custom/Hybrid EZ-SKI Hitch Haulers (5% discount for X-H20 members) Offering a 5% discount to members of this site only!
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