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  1. Lumberjack

    701 bog after holding 80% throttle or WOT for 5 seconds

    Twin carb factory piped 701 in my FS2 has developed a bog when holding a constant speed at high rpm then clears out and rides fine. Before it started doing this it died once like chopping the throttle during a 3 second pull at wot then started up fine but recently developed the high rpm bog...
  2. Lumberjack

    WTB: Rickter Thrust scupper

    Looking to buy a thrust rickter scupper. Red or black Thanks
  3. Lumberjack

    My experience with SBT warranty

    Had a steer cable failure on my SJ so I ordered a replacment from my local sbt dealer. Threaded it through the pole, looked at it in the engine bay and the crimp totally slid off the cable cover. I figure no big deal I'll email sbt and surely they replace the cable because it was clearly...
  4. Lumberjack

    Identifying the steering cable in my 2013 Rickter FS2

    Trying to identify the steering cable in my 2013 FS2. The sheath is Gray with no markings and it's 7.5" longer than a pre 08 superjet cable. I didn't build the ski so I'm not sure what's in there. I tried a pre 08 cable and it just BARELY reached so I'm not sure I'll run it as it may tension...
  5. Lumberjack

    Rickter FS2 evo rear sponson talk

    Who's running the rickter rear sponsons on there FS? Why or why not? What kind of riding do you do? I can imagine they put more pressure on the nose and keep the front chines hooked up better. I'm mostly riding flatwater and chasing boat wakes trying to do spins or stabs. Pretty tame stuff...
  6. Lumberjack

    Want to Buy Wanted: Rickter ball scupper

    Trying to save some change buying a ball scupper for my rickter. Anything out there before I buy new? Must ship to Canada PayPal ready Thanks
  7. Lumberjack

    Thoughts on TDR waterbox in stock RN?

    Friends has a TDR box he pulled off a piped ski that was too loud and was thinking of trying it on my RN. The ski is completely stock under the hood inculding exhaust and I thought it may be nice to hear a little bark and loose some weight with the TDR box My questions are, will I loose...
  8. Lumberjack

    How to setup jetlift tote and easiest way to launch and load

    Finally got my new jetlift totes in the water! Wondering if it's best to have the front bar and rear axle as far apart as possible so it's stable? What type of spacing in length makes them the easiest to use? Not talking about bunk spacing, talking about wheelbase length. Further apart the...
  9. Lumberjack

    Want to Buy Wanted: RN SJ pole bolt/washers/nut

    Looking for an undamaged RN pole bolt washers and nut shipped to Canada. PM me with a price PayPal ready Thanks
  10. Lumberjack

    Want to Buy WANTED: medium jet pilot matrix pro neo vest

    Must ship to canada Message me with color and price shipped
  11. Lumberjack

    Post your Trailer setups

    I was looking for some inspiration for my new trailer build and only came across a few threads with a couple pictures. I'm currently looking to build a new 2 ski flat deck trailer. The purpose of the flat deck style is to protect my skis since I have to travel over some loose gravel roads to get...
  12. Lumberjack

    Carter B front foothold fitment on FS2 evo?

    Just had a new CarterB hold pop up forsale locally and wondering if anyone's fitted them to an fs2 evo? Pictures would be great fitted to any ski. I would probabaly be bolting it on since its mid season. Is there a better option for a rickter tray? Any advice? Thanks
  13. Lumberjack

    Blowsion RN cover fitment with risers

    Looking to buy the blowsion cover for my round nose superjet with rrp steer system and ATP risers. Can anyone confirm how well these fit skis with short steer systems and risers? They claim to fit but I need to be %100 percent sure since it costs me twice as much by the time it comes to Canada...
  14. Lumberjack

    Krash RTR shipped

    Looks like the first batch has shipped. Anyone on the X prepay early enough to get one of the first ones? Hoping some one does a review. I miss the old thread!
  15. Lumberjack

    Thrust Pro Trim Review

    Recently picked up a Rickter FS2 evo with a piped 701/stock 144 pump with a stainless impeller. Before i get into the review about the system i want to explain why i picked this hull. I picked up the ski to chase a few boats, some mild flat water(stabs, spins ect) and cruise around the...
  16. Lumberjack

    Rickter travel cover options?

    Few of my ride spots force me to trailer my skis over 10 miles of gravel. I now know that an oem RN SJ cover does not fit my fs2 evo with riser bars. It easily fits nose to tray but it won't go low enough to snap over the bond line. Anyone have experience with a RN SJ jet tribe or blowsion...
  17. Lumberjack

    help me choose a trim system.

    FS2 Evo with a 701 144. Rec boat chaser, flat water only. I just read about 50 threads on trim system and still cant decide what's best for me. It still seams like some of these expensive systems still require a guard to stop water from being pushed put the side of the steer nozzle. is this...
  18. Lumberjack

    Calling all AM hull experts. I need help choosing a freestyle hull

    question for AM hull experts. it's time to make the switch from my superjet to an AM hull for freestyle but I'm in Canada so i don't have the opportunity to test ride hulls unless I drive around 3000+ miles. keeping my 07 superjet around for cruising up and down the river. i need help narrowing...
  19. Lumberjack

    Opinion on Jet Dynamics short length ride plate

    pre 08 SJ, worx 201 intake is the only other handling modification. 175 pounds, flat water only, chase a few bouy's recreationally, slam some surf boat waves, chase a few boats. is the shorter length jet dynamics ride plate a good design for my riding. looks to be a good plate from what i can...
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