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  1. E

    superfly to stock seat

    What would be involved in changing this superfly seat set up to stock? Someone said it cant be done because the hull is modified for the superfly but i just want to confirm/get a second opinion.
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    How will sponsons help or damage my blaster 1 straight line stability in both smooth and surf. The ski is a rocket, full modded 1200 motor, and when flat out she likes to lean to 1 side. Kinda sketchy till you get used to it. My concern is the sponsons snatching when it "torq leans" and causing...
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    00 Superjet electrical

    We replaced the coil, plugs and heat sensor due to an issue last weekend. When taking it apart to replace them, I ziptied 3 ground eyelets together and 2. I photographed everythings location etc. We hooked it all up tonight and the ski fires, sounds aggressive and mean. BUT it will not turn...
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    Jet boat hauling a ski?

    Dont roast me, idk jack bout jet boats. Anyway, saw a jet boat/wake boat, and on the back swim deck he had a stand up ski! This got the wife started on "we could get a boat for the extended family then and u could still ski!" Discussion. So has any1 done this? What would be involved, i thought...
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    Hull extensions

    Dont flame me. I love the way the 21 sj handles. I love everything about it but i cant go buy 1 this year. I am trying to make my round nose feel more like it. I was informed to check out the 36in front sponsons, which were easy to read up on. Hull extensions....this searching was hit and...
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    Going fast body pos

    So i am getting my ski set up andgoing faster but trying to learn body position....the problem is lol dont see a real right or wrong and have been made fun of for both ways. 1-when going fast straight or carving hard-get low in the tray lower body back, chest over the bars. 2- knees bent but...
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    Ezski fab

    Just want to say. This company goes above and beyond with customer service. Seriously. Calls me on a sunday to help fix an issue that in NO WAY was theirs.
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    Longer trigger

    Weird request do they make a longer throttle trigger/lever? My son likes to hold the bars when going for slow cruises but it gets in the way of pulling the throttle. Other option, will a motorcycle cable style brake lever work?
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    superjet unstable on smooth

    Got a 00 superjet, mainly riding rivers and smooth lakes. It corners well to a point until it doesnt, but on the recommendation of other rides I am correcting that with a new intake grate. The issue I am having is the ski at high speeds feels unstable. it wants to wobble and track off. I rode a...
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    SUPERJET steering nut and hose

    despite the funny title, need # 90179-12933-00 the nut under the steering and the forward breather hose for the cover GM6-6213F-00-00
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