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  1. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Latest Surf Slut Video

    Just finished the latest Daytona Beach Surf Sluts Video. Blue ski is Me White/neon ski is CarterB Filmed by me, Carter and his wife Alexis Enjoy
  2. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Pre-Freeride fun. SpecialFX is in town!

    Great surf Sunday!
  3. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Fun Surf With Fun People: Daytona Beach

    I posted all of these on Facebook, But I know not all of you are on FB nor friends with on there. Figured I'd share here. Some killer shots from this weekend. Since Mel Smith wasn't there I had to dust off the ol' DSLR.
  4. kcmasterpiece

    JetManiac/Blue PortWorx 2nd Annual Lake Ride

    Sorry for the wait
  5. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Daytona Beach Surf Sluts 2.0

    Memorial Day Weekend
  6. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Daytona Beach Surf Sluts

    Been working on this video since early February. Had some trouble rendering it, but finally figured it out. Unfortunately had to sacrifice some quality. Enjoy
  7. kcmasterpiece

    The Unseen footage

    We all normally post the cool, badass, exciting, crazy pics/videos here, but never the bails, fails, and just plain goofing off pics/vids. So lets see them. I know you have some. It doesn't even have to have a jet ski in it. It can be pics of just goofing off in between riding at your ride...
  8. kcmasterpiece

    Best of Web 3

    I'm sure you will all notice the best clip in this video.
  9. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaac

    The riding was back during Isaac. It's been so long I can't even remember if it was a Hurricane or not. Ha Well, anyway. Here's the vid. Another random song like the last one. It's hard to choose music for vids, so I just here something catchy and I through in there.
  10. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Daytona Beach Jet Ski Zone 8-12

    Here's another Daytona video from 8-12. The song is an inside joke BTW, so don't judge me. haha But I will admit, I do like the
  11. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Daytona 6-28-12

    I wasn't going to post this video since it's not that great. My buddy was doing the filming and was still getting the hang of it. So the shots are shaky and off a bit. I was trying hard to get enough useful footage to make it through the entire song, but just couldn't. So here it is. Oh...
  12. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Dirtona 2012

    I was watching some leftover videos on my computer and figured I can't let them go to waste. So I put together this quick edit from some of the videos. This video features: CarterB Yamanube Jetmaniac Jump on it And Of course I'm not in it since I'm the only one who shoots video around here...
  13. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Daytona Beach Speed and Style surf comp trial Video

    Here's a beach perspective of what went down on Sunday. It was a great day, I got to see some awesome riding, and I got a sunburn. Looks like summer is here in Daytona!!! Now I have to get my ski done so i can enjoy it...
  14. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Ponce Inlet 1/25/2012

    just put this together real quick today. CarterB and i rode Ponce the other day. just messing around on my fx1 and a couch for better photography. (doesnt really show too much footage for one video, so im in the process of making another one. will be up within a few days...i...
  15. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding This is self explanatory oi86zicl7ESrYUC6dv7a
  16. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding Daytona Beach Best of 2011

    I just put together a video composed of the best clips from my previous videos plus some footage i just shot the other day. hope you like it. Daytona Freeride is coming, just want to get you guys more anxious. bwahahaaa
  17. kcmasterpiece

    Surfriding My latest video. Daytona Beach

    This is from the other day. the surf was big but very sloppy. I was just messing around in the little stuff practicing my Re-entries. I think im getting there. Please excuse the water mark at the beginning. i have an activated version of the software, but im having issues with it. I have...
  18. kcmasterpiece

    FX-1 Looking for a Stock rideplate to D-cut

    I think thats what i want. i ride surf a lot and im just getting into riding the face of the waves instead of just jumping them. the plate that is on there now is a protec, which was on there when i bought the ski. everytime i try to ride the face of the wave, the nose of the ski just gets...
  19. kcmasterpiece

    300/440/550 JS440 Exhaust pipe

    Hey there, i just entered the world of stand up jet skis over the summer after becomming bored with the sit down style wave runners. still nice to sit down once in a while, but gets a little boring quick. i have a question about my 440. after riding it for a while ive been getting anoyed with...
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