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    Blaster ADA triple plate questions

    Anybody have any good pictures of the ADA racing blaster triple plate in a hull? (yami triple) I think I have figured out how it seats, but it still doesnt seem right.. the bolt for the front plate goes through the center of the motor mount? Im suprised of the complete lack of literature I have...

    wax question

    I am just wondering what wax you guys use to fill the motormounts and pump mounts when doing glass work around them. I am usure as to what people are using: is it a specialty wax IE. like the wax UScomposites sells or is candle wax, or a car wax I have been looking for an explanation and I...

    Super Jet Hull mods- and sanitization- making surf friendly

    I'm being really smart and starting a THIRD build; luckily this one is far less complicated than the other two Im doing. the 04' round nose is getting foothold, cf armor, and paint plus minor hull mods. Also going to use this opportunity to pretty up the motor compartment. The ski has been...

    Blaster Wb-1 re-build- 1100 to 1200 upgrade

    my original build for this blaster was relatively ghetto- It was my first build EVER, It always would run though...somehow. every time I put it in the water I thought it was going to fall apart. so I decided it was time to do it right the thread from the original build is on here somewhere--...

    Super Jet riding in my small pond in January <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Freestyle Got robbed

    My house in Tucson was robbed this weekend: took mostly tools and electronics, but why I am telling you guys is that they decided to take my xmetal dual exhaust water box and my beach cart. They are clearly not interested in jet skis and prolly are gonna scrap them, but by the off chance they...

    Super Jet what would you make sure not to forget?

    goin to mexico for six weeks with the jetmaniac 771 sj rn what would you make sure to bring with you? gaskets, plugs, tools, starter, ignition coil, carbkit, silicon coupler maker, extra bildge, ss, and a prop. anything to add? mayb even some hydro turf and a water box

    650/X-2 just saw this ad, it looks wierd for an x-2

    I'm pretty sure I'm gonna purchase this when they call me back, but the body (nose and rails) are alot different from my other X-2 and I've never seen one like this; is this what a "gen 2" x-2 looks like?? any input appreciated

    Super Jet medium altitude compresion

    I live at 2500 feet and ride between 0 -4500 feet NEVER ABOVE 5000 it seems like all the people that increase compresion to compensate are all at above 5000 and the seem to drop their's down 4 cc (ada head). should I even worry about anything more than minor carb adjustment? decrease the...

    Freestyle I got the impeller tool stuck.. how do i remove it

    finished installing a hooker 9/15 and I cant get the impeller tool off after torqueing it down... was using a crecent wrench to tighten it and it kept slipping

    Blaster my blaster's cooling has become clogged

    my blasters cooling system (single cooling) got clogged with some sand, and it overheated just a little bit, so I pulled off the pump cleared thewater in line. but I was not satisfied so i pulled off a pisser line and connected it to a hoseand ran some water through it the system pressurized and...

    Other i need better sunglasses any reccomendations

    sooo. I just destroyed another pair of oakley... anybody have any recommendations on any thing with impact resistant lenses. I live in sunglasses and am always working with something dangerous I need something that offers comfort and a better level of protection. I lost a lense out of my...

    Super Jet Confused by cdi..

    I did a motor swap this week and took apart the cdi's to keep witht their original hull- 1990 and 2004 the 1990 cdi is now on the 2004 motor in the 1990 hull and I got MOST of the wire to go back together, but their is a pink and red wire that has a male end and its other end is also a male...

    Super Jet where do you guys like to put your bilge switch?

    I am installing my dash mounted bilge switch in my rn today and the dash is quite a bit different from a square, thicker in some places etc. where do poeple like to mount their bilge switch?

    Super Jet ahhhh 61x cases use different bolts than 62t any one know the 62t bolt length

    anybody know the bolt length for 62 "t" carb/reed to case legths they are M6 1.00 but I dont have the lengths and all my other cases are 61X style horizontal mounting surface (longerbolts)

    Super Jet I just finished installing my flywheel cover-- is the torque spec 13?

    Okay standard torque spec chart doesnt list. I know I've read it recently could swore it was 13 footpound for a 61x/62t did a quicksearch onhere and google came up with nothing so I've left them at "5" until I know for sure thx

    Super Jet 52000, g-flex, 940fs for installling an aluminum pumps shoe???

    I have 5200--- I could use 940fs- marine adhesive and sealant or westsystem's g-flex epoxy I have heard people say they all work, and that the g-flex is good at absorbing shock any preferences any I shouldn't use?

    Super Jet confusing adjuster screw on my dual carbs

    I got these carbs a week or so ago....... terrible condition half the bolts were stripped; were used in salt etc...etc Got em all the way apart with out having to tap anything so I'm happy (had to build custom gear wrech attachment to remove small stripped jet from carb) BUt one of the...

    Super Jet rrp on a square?

    from what I've read this shouldnt be to difficult I would like to put a dual breather rrp on my 1990 square; any thing unforseen I might need to know. I realize its a little obscene to add a pole to a jet ski that cost less then said pole, but I gotta buy a new pole so why not? cant find a rn...
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