Search results

  1. hodges22

    Wtb fixsteer

    Looking for a fixsteer for a kid. He says he doesn't like holding up my sj pole .he keeps telling me it's to heavy ..poor kid has no muscles
  2. hodges22


    Saw this on a story line on snap chat and thought funny .so I screen shot it and thought I should post
  3. hodges22

    Sj acting up

    I was riding the ski yesterday and subed it and went to dry it out at full throttle then womp ,stopped with a quickness. trying to start and crank then buh crank buh .crank crank crank buh ..u get the picture ..any ways started to check some things and looked like my skis fuel filter was not...
  4. hodges22

    Triple cylinder flywheel

    Asking for a friend cuz I don't know as well . the yamaha triple flywheel .will a 61x or 62 T work for the flywheel or is it totally diff . I don't know much about the triples .I would say heck no on the 61x but 62t??
  5. hodges22

    B pipe screw??

    I did my water tuning the other Day and snapped off a diff screw .not the water tuning ones .it's under the head pipe water exit on the top .what is it ??can I weld it up or is it a tuning screw?? .when I started the ski some exhaust came from it .I can take pics later on. if no one under...
  6. hodges22

    B pipe dual cooling

    Can someone point me in the right direction or post the link for me..thanks
  7. hodges22

    Engine 62t

    this is what I should of got..@Twake is a good dude to deal with . .but ups is some retards ..I know it's not his fault and that's why I'm putting a good thread out .cuz he's going to be sending me a diff flywheel cover
  8. hodges22

    another 155 pump?

    Didn't want to thread jack so I will start this ..there was another thread about a 155 pump and I made a comment about using a sit down 155 ..are there more advantage running a OEM 155 than a 144 .I know its bigger but what else if any ..I know people r running 144 and 148 mag pumps i guess its...
  9. hodges22

    Super Jet carb problem

    I was going to start my ski today and the idle screw tab on the carb snaped off .so now what to do? has anyone every had this happen and how do u fix it .jb weld ?? or do u just buy a new carb
  10. hodges22

    ohio river #1

    Not that its going to change where I ride but I just wanted to share this with u guys something u may know or may not about ur riding spot ..I ride the Ohio river every chance I get and it seems that the Ohio is number 1 for being the most polluted water in the US ..Note to self close ur mouth...
  11. hodges22

    scented gas additive

    Anyone ever try out the cotton candy/ strawberry fuel additive on a two stroke motor ..don't get me wrong I love the original smell of two cycle in the face when riding but wonder if it could smell sweeter if u added a fuel additive .just didn't know if they make that additive for a two stroke
  12. hodges22

    Super Jet inside of a waterbox

    My waterbox is fine but I have someone that can build me a aluminum waterbox . I can not find any pics of the inside of a waterbox .. I was just wondering if I should have baffles or no baffles .what's my pros and cons with or without them ..two strokes should have some kind of back pressure...
  13. hodges22

    louisville ky the 24 of july
  14. hodges22

    Blaster 94 b1

    I have a b1 for sale Louisville ky .145 each hole and riva red pipe and aftermarket water box?? And ride plate and works intake ..rear exhaust ..502/5922324...1200 bucks ..ready to ride
  15. hodges22

    Blaster handle bars

    Bent my stock handle bars ..didn't know what degree u guys use and do u use risers would be nice
  16. hodges22

    Super Jet water box question

    was wondering if u guys r running diff water box than a superjet water box the sound of the old school supertrapps running a stock one now but would like to have a diff sound but dont want to buy a new one
  17. hodges22

    Other aqua cycle

    im looking for a old big three wheel water trike ....i found them on the web at there over my price range ..i didnt know if u guys have seen one for sale or know someone I have looked on clist here in ky and found none now I am asking u guys
  18. hodges22

    Blaster motor cutting out at high speeds

    ok first off I let a friend ride my b1 the other day ...( wont do that again ) ..and as he was wide open ..the motor cut out likeu pulled the landyard I was riding it and just was romping around u know not full throttle and nothing but then I gave it full throttle for about two mins .same...
  19. hodges22

    Other This lil piggy

    Tryed to start my ski the other day and dead bat..pulled it up on the boat ramp changed it ..but when I went to get the hood.. a wave picked my ski upand dropped it on my toe ..these pics are when I got home ..didnt look bad on the water ..and still not that bad but ..i will be haveing my toe...
  20. hodges22

    Super Jet Trim it or hate it

    I was thinking of doing a trim system on my sj ..a friend of mine said its not worth the trouble of doing one
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