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  1. T

    Stunt Job Openings

    Hey Guys... I got this email from my club site.. def. not for us couch riders... more for you wave junkies... good luck to anyone in that area... see below... May 8, 2008 Re: Employment Opportunities for water jet skiers To: Whom it May Concern, Hello. Our Los Angles based company...
  2. T

    New Jet Ski Club In Florida-state Wide

    Thanks.. Just spreading the word... to many years in Marketing.. sorry I blasted in a couple of different areas thinkin it would be more apt to be read by more folks and not lost.. ya know.. but I will step back a bit of course on the "announcing" Thanks for your feedback. SO, Ya gonna join...
  3. T

    New Jet Ski Club In Florida-state Wide

    Hi! I started a new jet ski club and I would like to extend an invite for your club members all to join us on the water for our club kick off.. All the details are on the forum.. the website is: the link to the forum is on the main page about half way down...
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    Daytona Spring Break! (Mar 1-6) Locals needed

    How about this sunday? Dude..lemme know:cool2:
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    2007 Daytona ***official*** videos/pics thread - post them or link them in here

    DaytonaMotosurf07 Pics Enjoy.. some wicked stunts I caught with my new camera!!! Give it a name!
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    Daytona Pics

    Dude, until the new blaster custom is done..I am stuck riding couch.. I came out, rode in from Ponce Inlet on a Light Blue Beast of a 3 seater.... stayed to the outside, paid the piper, wore a real helmet, took some pics and got the hell outta there while still staying free of the main action...
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    Get Well Ripper: Larry Critically injured.

    Ripper... Get well soon man! Our prayers are with you!
  8. T

    WANTED!!! Master Blaster $2500.00 or less

    I am looking for a sweet looking and running master blaster with a budget of $2,500.00 somewhere in Florida or Southern GA would be ideal. Let me know if you got one for sale or please spread the word. Warmest Thanks and Regards to any who can help! Tina or...
  9. T

    jet ski deaths

    Dude.. not all sit down riders are idiots! Lets not classify the idiots with sit down riders... riding a couch does not mean your an idiot.. just that you can't jump as high! I have seen many an idiot on a stand up as well..! Stupid is as stupid does! Caio, T
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