Search results

  1. HeydudeitsDan

    MIDSHAFT SHOP - Intermediate Shafts for SuperJet, Blasters -new,used,rebuilt

    Email phone 619-244-7269
  2. HeydudeitsDan

    MIDSHAFT SHOP - Intermediate Shafts for SuperJet, Blasters -new,used,rebuilt

    Trying to get some info about a mishaft and seals for my 07 SJ. Trying to get the ski ready for the Carolina freeride. New to the site so can't PM whats the best way to get ahold you guys? Danny
  3. HeydudeitsDan

    Hey man new to the forum and recently moved to Va Beach and saw the wave daze event down at the...

    Hey man new to the forum and recently moved to Va Beach and saw the wave daze event down at the ocean front. Been riding standups for awhile and wanted to get some info about the nc event next weekend. Is there an event fee or anything or just show up and ride. I have a 4x4 so no problem there.
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