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  1. yamablaster

    Surfriding hugo oct 4

    naaaahhh Scott. I didn't ride it out. A deal is a deal. I don't owe him $50 and he doesn't owe me $100.
  2. yamablaster

    Surfriding hugo oct 4 least I tried! Back to the drawing board to fix a few problems. Then pray for some descent surf!
  3. yamablaster

    Surfriding Hugo boys sat oct 3

    Nice Jim. I'm glad you didn't include my 3 Epic fails on the vid! LOL.
  4. yamablaster

    Biggest boat wake height

    Now on top of a 20k ski....A 500k boat! Sheesh. LOL.
  5. yamablaster

    Freestyle RIP WASTELAND - We lost a member today.

    Semper Phi bra. RIP
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