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  1. S

    GP to B1 UMI steering

    It should work. GP's just have a different mounting bolt pattern. My buddy put an Acusteer for a B1 on a 98 GP800.
  2. S

    New cameras old blaster

    Maybe you can mount the second camera inside the ski so you can find the water leak!!
  3. S

    New cameras old blaster

    Really, I didn't know that! :smashfreakB: Why doesn't the camera vibrate or move up and down relative to the movement of the Waveblaster? I am impressed with the little camera!
  4. S

    New cameras old blaster

    How come your head never move?
  5. S

    Santa Barbara with "King Kong" NOW UPDATED!!

    it looked like Hollister Ranch, but I didn't know they had camping. Also looks very similar to DP Ranch. I still miss the Oil Piers!
  6. S

    my o-side vid from this weekend...

    Nice vid Ed!
  7. S

    Hydroturf Seat Cover??

    They don't do away with the plastic panels, they cover them up.
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