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  1. S

    old school

    I would suggest getting the larry the ripper's DVD on ebay it shows you step by step how to pull off all those old school tricks you know and some you might not its the s***
  2. S

    550 surf ride vid

    be sure to check out my rideing videos on youtube just serch under videos by username kawasakijetshred
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    Chicken Bone X2travaganza 2008

    so will I be the only 550 at the chickenbone this weekend? It would be nice to some of them "old lookin ski's" out shreddeing in the surf. Which is looking like there could be some surf Fri and Sat. I wont be anything spectacular but a few bumps out on the gulf to shred on.
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    Chicken Bone X2travaganza 2008

    550's so who else is going to bring some 550's to the ride or will I be the only one.
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