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  1. rubbertoe

    Freestyle Hot Tub!

    What the hell is that ? an apparatus for a bed pan ? I hope the rangers recognize your dementia and stop you at launch
  2. rubbertoe

    Freestyle Hot Tub!

    Cracks me up ,why is your : Freestyle Hot Tub thread listed under "carnage" ? I guess you have to have a sense of humor to look .I can see where they got the concept for the rear of the craft
  3. rubbertoe

    Freestyle Hot Tub!

    I find it strange how your "True" deep love appreciation for Kawasaki products come out in this later stage of your life .Why don't you see if Rick can make you a carbon version ? But yes that thing is going to look awesome sitting on the bottom of the lake :)
  4. rubbertoe

    Freestyle Hot Tub!

    #Dementia,#Trippin ,#Modded geo metro
  5. rubbertoe

    Freestyle Hot Tub!

    This is nothing but a series of bad decisions topping the blunder jet thread ,nothing to see here ...
  6. rubbertoe

    Wdk starter wire smoking (please help)

    Ground wire ,check the end because sometimes the wires can be fractured at the connection but few strands will remain enough to hold it on .careful with this, should be dealt with or meltdown can occur
  7. rubbertoe

    Bring the heat!

    Looks like you got that little turd cutter burning the prop ,very nice ! water looks a little sketchy though with all those turds floating ,no ?
  8. rubbertoe

    Custom/Hybrid Mini Monster

    Well Auqafart ,your meme was very cutting .I havent been able to leave my house in a week after viewing (All Lies #nunf*ksgvn) just knowing you are out riding your new lineup of floating turds .Truth is the only reason i can post is i have gotten so much sun ,surf is fun and the beach is packed...
  9. rubbertoe

    Custom/Hybrid Mini Monster

    Well ,wheres some ride pics of your floating turd ??? I only have the ones you sent from Pride week . (note to self : helmet is a bit much ) a little more proof that your ghey, just sayin
  10. rubbertoe

    no bottom end power!

    Good that your heading in the right direction .a little tip is not to make too many changes at one time ,because if you do correct an issue you will not be sure of the cause or what fixed it .the prop is where i might have started (the 13/17 sounded tall) but its great that you eliminated that...
  11. rubbertoe

    Brapp's 1987 Toyota 4Runner Build

    Incredible,great work with attention to detail ! F**k i strugled with doing a zero point calibration on my 08 this week just to get my vsc and abs lights off on my dash .but i think my issue is a brake switch sensor .Its amazing you are able to modernize your dash like that, looks great...
  12. rubbertoe

    Brapp's 1987 Toyota 4Runner Build

    This is why I too drive a Toyota ......
  13. rubbertoe

    Brapp's 1987 Toyota 4Runner Build

    Kudo's Brapperdoodle ,thats defiantly some "next level"chit ! Very cool ...
  14. rubbertoe

    Edge SX580

    Pheeeeew ,I thought we lost you there for a moment with all that other nonsense you been up to .Looks great ! is that the megastroker from your 550 brain fart project ?
  15. rubbertoe

    Custom/Hybrid Mini Monster

    After all the sh*t you spewed over the years to our Kawasaki comrades ,now this ???????????wtf .spoiler alert blunder jet build coming soon
  16. rubbertoe

    Wanted Factory B-Pipe

    Heres some pics ,haven't cleaned it and its been in storage for a good while .But otherwise straight no dents ,original paint ,screws all turn I pretty sure I have new main coupler as well , 45 coupler is on the water box new .Found a new engine to water box gasket. only thing not in the pic is...
  17. rubbertoe

    Wanted Factory B-Pipe

    I have one local $500.00 Mod version ,good condition .no engine to mani gasket .also x-metal water box for superjet $150.00 prices firm local pick ,no ship ..
  18. rubbertoe

    Shops in San Diego ca

    Larry ,jet ski stuff is an underground sport here in San Diego ,don't know of any places local that oiled stock something like that .even as simple as it may be .hit up jet maniac and have it shipped ,painless ...
  19. rubbertoe

    Freestyle Blunder Jet

    Well solar came out in the 80's big time ,but the technology wasn't refined as it to todays standards , most ended up removing from households roof tops twenty some odd years later to modern day systems that work efficiently with less issues .Fast forward to current its almost required in some...
  20. rubbertoe

    2017 SXR 1500

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