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  1. T

    750sx tuning problems

    Well I rigged up a pressure tester, and it seemed to hold up real well. It held 10psi for just over 15 minutes. I'm going to take it out tomorrow and mess with it a bit more on the lake, and if I have no luck I will order up a jetting kit on Monday.
  2. T

    750sx tuning problems

    It did a little but nothing to drastic, it was best at about 2 turns out. I know it should be ALOT better..have a stock sxi and rn superjet to compare to. Just read your sx build thread and saw you blew apart a fiberglass waterbox too, hah just went through that 2 days ago.
  3. T

    750sx tuning problems

    I just tore into the carb and it has a 110 low and 155 hi for jetting. It has a 2.5 needle valve with the dull silver spring which says 17 psi. Any suggestions on what to do next?
  4. T

    750sx tuning problems

    I just looked off of the factory pipe site for the jetting reccomendations to start off with, heres a picture of the plugs. Not to sure what piston wash is though is it like what the cyclinder walls look like...glazed or something?
  5. T

    750sx tuning problems

    I have a 93 750sx I've been working on last summer and trying to finish for this summer, had a blown head gasket last summer which I have fixed now. The main problem I am having is it just has no bottom end punch. I went out riding today with it, and if you carve it sharp and it kinda cavitates...
  6. T

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro Has anyone ran this R&D pipe?? see pic

    I have that same pipe on my 93 750sx, still in the process of getting it all tuned in right, but it does have some crazy top end so far.
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