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  1. G

    Difference between Blowsion & UMI steering system???

    Thanks, I understand that from having UMI previously, just wondering how the Blowsion kit differs if at all from the UMI?
  2. G

    Difference between Blowsion & UMI steering system???

    Hi All, I'm after a steering system for racing on my 08 SJ. I want a -1 turnplate so will buy the blowsion one. I was going to buy the UMI steering system but looking at the Blowsion website theor steering system looks almost identical with the bearing set-up etc. Can anyone tell me the...
  3. G

    Difference between Blowsion and UMI steering system???

    Hi All, I'm after a steering system for racing on my 08 SJ. I want a -1 turnplate so will buy the blowsion one. I was going to buy the UMI steering system but looking at the Blowsion website theor steering system looks almost identical with the bearing set-up etc. Can anyone tell me the...
  4. G

    superjet porting

    Will porting for a mix of freeride/go fast increase the fuel consumption by much?
  5. G

    B pipe chamber question...

    Thanks again, so what are the performance differences between the mod and limited?
  6. G

    B pipe chamber question...

    Thanks, also by looking at the pics can you tell if it is a mod or limiited chamber?
  7. G

    B pipe chamber question...

    Hi all, I've bought a used but refurbished B pipe for my Superjet. The chamber looks like it has a water feed that has been blocked off that I have not seen on any of the other chambers I have seen. Anyone know when it would be used/why it was added?
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