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  1. 615 freeride


    Carbon fiber hull Dasa 900 comp motor Dasa 48 carbs/manifold MSD total loss Skat trak 155 mag pump Xmetal trim RRP pole RRP pipe Thrust steering system Oem starter and solenoid Antigravity battery Call Keith 615-943-1318 $16,000
  2. 615 freeride


    Whats he price on the t,b,k,j 1
  3. 615 freeride

    Freestyle True's amature 900 dvx

    It's bad ass bro. I'll have more photos tomorrow
  4. 615 freeride

    Freestyle this thread will help EVERYONE Your setup motor / hull / prop of ANY KIND!!PROPS

    1998 superjet ( winner winner chicken dinner ) 701 stock motor ada head 175lb comp oe 38 carbs stock pump with 08 sj prop toby composite ride plate( made a world of diff.) Jd intake grate blowsion lowered hood/nose dasa billet flywheel cover
  5. 615 freeride

    Super Jet Think this looks to much like a freak?

    Guess u Need check the poll over 60% no copy. Lol this is great
  6. 615 freeride

    Freestyle Hull sponsor

    Will ray gets my vote he can make a Rok look like a Kdx he is awesome with alittle better equipment he would be a professional
  7. 615 freeride

    Custom/Hybrid Steering cable for Q8 with XMW Kawi pole + Blowsion short plate

    That cable is a sxr cable that's in there. It was set up for the RRP pole and worked great no problems not sure what's the difference is from RRP to xmw poles
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