
  1. U

    Is this ski worth it?

    Hello all, I’ve been lurking and reading this forum for a few months now and I’ve got to say that this community ROCKS! There is a wealth of information here and I appreciate those willing to give it so readily. I’m looking to purchase my first ski and would like your advice. It’s a 1997 RN...
  2. G


    Hey everyone, I am 17 years old, and I worked a bunch over the summer and saved enough money to get my first ever Jet ski. Ever since I was young I always loved the water, but my family has never really been into boating. So I am finally so EXCITED to say I am getting a new 2021 Yamaha...
  3. M

    Super Jet I need your SuperJet Advice!

    So hey ya'll. I bought my first jetski (2017 Yamaha EX Sport) with 27 hrs on it for $4900 with a 2 jetski trailer (A steal!!) and love it. I most love riding it like an ahole at slow speeds - fast stuff I don't care for and I view as a hassle with the Wakes. Well - I have thought about a...
  4. Tinman10.04

    First ski purchase

    Hey guys, new here. First post. Scooty whoop! I've been doing a bit of research the last couple weeks and keep being led back here. You guys are awesome with the info!! Anyway, onto it already huh?? I'm looking at a 94 SJ that has had the original 701 removed and replaced with a 650. :( As...
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