1989 X2 is it worth it. now with PICS

i have a chance to buy a 1989 650 x2 for 400$ needs minor work like turf and some new gas lines. and the bar knuckle is a lil loose..

the guy told me it ran 2 years ago when he put it away .

please let me know ..
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$100 if it was clean

EDIT: you have to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. if you cant get an even compression then don't bother messing with it unless your gettting it super cheap; less than a hundy.
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
There's no such thing as "Not running and needs minor work", especially something that is over 20 years old and was designed to be used in salt water.

$100, maybe $200 if you're in an area where X2's are impossible to find. In FL we have running X2's for sale for $300 quite often. Agua just picked up a "it ran last time I used it" X2 for $100 in our area.
well so far the only info i have is it has a fresh motor - new steering cable and a new impeller. and there is a lil bs about the title . ..

also in AZ x2's are hard to find and everytime i find one fore sale they are asking 600-800 for them .

thanks for the help ..
I for one stay away from the 89s because they are direct steer on most of them. If it's direct steer it isn't worth $1 if it's a cage style $400 isn't bad if they are as hard to find as they are up here.
I for one stay away from the 89s because they are direct steer on most of them. If it's direct steer it isn't worth $1 if it's a cage style $400 isn't bad if they are as hard to find as they are up here.

explain please ...

how can i see if its cage style

i might take my bump box down there and some gas to see if i can get this thing started .. the guy swears it ran when he put it away . but from the 550 we just bought from him who knows .
Direct steer runs a big long cable out that bends. This one it the pic is covered to help it from bending but you get the idea of the 2.


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i went and took some pics ....







Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Thats direct alright. I'd keep looking. Or offer $150 (actually if its not running $50). The flimsy steering is a complete nightmare if you start putting any power in the ski. I have lots of direct steering experience (my lightweight uses it) and I am on cable #3 in one year. All of these were reinforced.
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Thats direct alright. I'd keep looking. Or offer $150 (actually if its not running $50). The flimsy steering is a complete nightmare if you start putting any power in the ski. I have lots of direct steering experience (my lightweight uses it) and I am on cable #3 in one year. All of these were reinforced.

im going to offer the $150 but i know he is going to shoot it down . he was trying to sell it for $500 and we got him to $400. im not wanting to pay $400 for something thats only worth $150 or less ... i might just look for a 650 stand up . i like the x2 because its a 650 and im 215lbs and need the extra motor.
The trailer is worth 400. So if it comes with the trailer it may be worth it for you.

the guy wants $400 for the trailer and $400 for the x2 .... he wont come down any on the x2 ....

i tild him that its only worth maybe 200 at the most and he still wont come down .. he's like its a 650 and i know what there worth .. i had cash in hand and still wont even come down ..

plus it looks like someone messed with the fule lines ..
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