How's the waves?
My buddy picked up an 06 SJ in December. He just put on a B-pipe and was unable to get it to run clean on top. I asked if he did the included jetting and set the mixture screws correctly. He said he could not find the mixture screws!! So i pulled his hood and sure enough, there are no mixture screws on the 06 carbs! I looked and the casting is there where they should be but its like they just did not drill holes for the screw needles at all. I guess these carbs are 2006 EPA compliant and have no adjustments.
Can he send these carbs off and have them drilled out and modfied? Or is he going to have to buy new carbs?
Can he send these carbs off and have them drilled out and modfied? Or is he going to have to buy new carbs?