2008 Can-Am Hockey Game... Harbor Beach... BE THERE

Huter Boi

BALLER on the Prowl.....
Based on the tremendous success we had with last year's hockey game and the fact more racers watched it than the racing ( Plus the a$$load of emails and calls I have received..) It's coming back with a vengence...

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2008 Can-Am Street Hockey Madness
Starting shortly after the infamous Indy Al Miller " Paradise Found" Barbecue.

PLEASE Bring sticks with you if you want to play.... Anyone who can bring extra sticks and bring your balls (HEhehehe) so those who were tooooo bonehead to remember can play.

I will be captain for team USA and Snoris will again be captaining for the Moosejaw Child Touchers.... errrr I mean Team Canada.

This game is for fun so no guys picking on girls ( Boober) and starting cr^p, we all gotta race on Saturday. Last years game was awesome and hats off to Team Canada for the narrow win!!! You victorious Great White Northerners!

I am posting last years rules to save from typing with my screwed up hand:
This is street hockey played on foot ( too many drunks got hurt when we played one time on inlines... gotta race too ya know ) This is almost like broom ball hockey but with real sticks.

Wear sneakers... gloves are allowed but most guys wear their racing gloves.

We do not use nets and goalies ( someone wants to bring nets and all the gear maybe we will try it.)

Scoring is achieved by hitting a gas can with a 15 foot neutral zone around it.

In the adult game, when your team is scored on the loooooosers chug a beer before the next draw ( If someone made jello shots for a couple o rounds here that would be great ) We will decide on whether the game is to 5 or 10 on game night by democratic vote ( hope the Canadiens understand the democracy thing) hehehehe

There is NO high sticking, slashing, spearing, or use of the word EH during play... These result in a 2 minute penalty with a forced chug of bourbon and grapefruit juice or you will have to stand unprotected while the infracted upon gets to fire 3 shots at you.

You may choose to wear leg guards . ( A Wise Choice I found out last year )

Americans please bring a black T Shirt... Canucks bring white or red t-shirts ( your red pot leaf thingie is optional ) and yes you can wear your TOOKS. If someone had a connection to make cool cheap T Shirts.... I would gladly buy 2 ( hint)

An impartial ref will be selected by the democratic way ( Bill Clinton was my hero)

This event is meant to be fun this is not the Stanley cup, and in the past has been both fun and entertaining for all playing and watching. Anyone trying to start a brawl will be stripped and quad dragged... or something else evil!!

Looking forward to the game and of course another victory for team USA....LOL

To reiterate the Princess' request. Everyone who can please bring extra sticks and some Mylec street balls... I have 2 with me.

See ya Friday and GAME ON!!!

PLEASE email me or post with any questions.... I will be trying to do another fund raiser this year for Trace Mills tied in to the game... ( Last year we raised quite a bit for Mikey!)

Any sponsor volunteers for team USA who wants to donate some black shirts contact me ASAP. Big thanks to HydroTurf for supplying our shirts for the 2007 game, Mike you are a prince!

I know this is gonna blow up so let the games begin!!! :booty::cheer2::arms:


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Oh My! This was so much fun last year....even with Boober getting carried away and not acting like the gentleman that he is it was hilarious!

I'll miss hitting the Harbor Beach race site this year, and this is one of the main reasons - don't you miss it it too. Be there!
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