2014 SuperJet breaking in the engine?

Picking up a brand-spanking new 2014 SuperJet tomorrow! The ski is completely stock in exception to the intake grate being aftermarket. What is the recommended and best possible way to safely break-in the engine? What gas-to-oil ratio should I be mixing for my 1st time out? How long will it take for the engine to safely break-in? Should I be running the ski at half-throttle only? No one at the dealership really knows. Drrrrrrrrrrr.... Should I be running "Yamalube" through it? Thank you community
If it were me; ask the dealer if there will be warranty issues if you use non yamaha oil. ( technically there shouldn't be as long as your using an oil that has the same or better specs for that engine. This is always a debate, but a little research will point you in the right direction. I've been through this time and time again with snowmobiles/ warranty issues using a non brand oil) and this is my opinion only, but I'd run 100:1 premix in addition to oil injection. If that boat isn't oil injected, my guess is it's 50:1 in which case for break in I'd run 40:1 for a full tank. I would run a non synthetic oil because synthetic is too "slippery" and won't allow the rings to seat fully as they should. Finally I'd limit my wot time, but in the same respect run it like I would normally. The ONLY thing that seats new rings is load on the engine and you won't get that putt-putting around the lake. After the first tank is gone if go back to whatever is specified oil ratio mix and a quality synthetic oil. Premium/ non ethanol only for fuel. Again, my opinion, and the exact way I'd do it if it was mine. Good luck and congrats on the new ride!

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Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Yamalube Oil.

Go ride the ski. Do not hold it WOT. Just go cruise the lake, come back, take a 15 minute break...... Go ride some more............. When the tank is dry fill up and go enjoy.
Just add extra oil to first tank and follow post two. Ride it easy no long wot runs. Let it get hot 15 minutes come in let her cool down a bit and go back out. Repeat a few times after two tanks of fuel then beat on it!

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25:1 for the first tank of gas and go out on the lake and do some wot passes but don't hold it wot for long periods just do like 100 yard passes then cruise for a little bit around half throttle then do some more wot passes for the first tank then you will be good to go for the second tank.the wide open passes is what properly seats the rings


use normal oil, between 30-40:1. (i run 40:1 all the time) if you have a trailer, fire it up and let it idle to warm. take out out, keep it under half throttle but dont sit at a constant throttle. come back and let it cool. then warm it up again then go out for another ride running it between blips of full and 1/2. each ride should be 20-30 minutes. after that you should be set.

if you have a compression tester, check it before you ride the first ride. then after the second run. you should see an increase in the psi. my top end jumped from 155psi to 185psi after my rings seated.
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