4th Annual Parker AZ Stand-up Regatta, Parker Strip - June 7th!


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4th annual Stand-up Regatta, Parker Strip - Parker , AZ
Saturday June 7th. All day BBQ, BYOB.

Location: Parker Strip between Sundance and Fox's at Clayton Jacobson III's house(son of Clayton Jacobson II, Inventor of the Jetski).
Launch ramp next to house.
Overnight camping sites available at Redrock.

Went to this last year and had a blast! :beerchug:
Hope to see ya there!

i'm gonna get a map and better directions up here in the next couple days!

Post here if you plan on coming!
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we saw that guy at last years parker race. We went to a floating bar on the river and he was there. fun times

He was at the Parker Nats this year too. Did you see the 2 square noses with race number 420? Those were Claytons. He raced Pro-am or something, not sure exactly what class, but he raced.
Last year he couldnt ride at all as he woke up in his sleep and sleep walked off his bedroom balcony(12ft) and broke both ankles and bunch of toes! He also banged his head real hard on the Terrazo floor! So this years he's ready to ride!

Ya, the floating bar is Fox's. It's just about a block down on the river from his house. He has a big huge concrete flat area on the river where his Dad used to park a big pontoon airplane. Thats where the BBQ and everyone usually hangs out with ski's all up and down the concrete area.
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