300/440/550 650 starting problem

i have a 90' 650 that has trouble starting...it has a brand new motor. It has trouble cranking...it takes about 5 minutes to crank up...once it cranks and warms up it runs great for a while...then after a bit, it starts to sputter like its not getting gas..then it won't crank again for another 30 min. or so...just curious if anyone had any idea where to start on this. Is it running lean? or flooding? Another thing...theres mysterious oil in the hull...everyone talks about plugging the oil system. can anyone tell me how to do that...thanks for the help!
I'm pretty new but what I read about plugging the oil system is very simple. I just bought my first ski (a js300) the other day. The js300 and 650sx are similar in terms of fuel injection if I'm not mistaken. You can buy a block off plate but I did it the ghetto way and still looks fine.

I pulled off the oil pump (located on the front of flywheel cover) then ground of the little tab that runs the whole pump. Also for measure I opening it pu and removed the diaphram or whatever out of it just so I know it isn't doing anything. Then I plugged up all the lines going to and from it.

At least that's what I did. As for the other issue, I have no idea. I'm still trying to start mine, lol. If there is anything I have learnded by reading car fourms or any forum for that matter is search as it has probably already been covered (just a tip).


Lancaster PA
Yes I would block off the oil and premix your fuel. When you say it cranking for 5 min do you mean its turning over but not starting? Was the carb or fuel system rebuild with this new motor?
sorry yeah i meant its turning over but not starting...i am not sure if the carb was rebuilt...if it wasn't rebuilt it was cleaned up, the fuel system looks a little old...black lines...maybe its time for some clear ones any way..just checked the plugs and they look fine, fuel lines are the black rubber so no looking in them...air filter is clean...so im not sure if the next step would be the carb or the fuel system.
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