SX/SXi/SXi Pro 650 SX Manual pdf?


Bangor, ME
I just bought my first jet ski. It's a 1988 650 SX. Well it will be one day. I've got most of the parts but it needs a lot of work. Anyway I was wondering if anybody had a pdf of the factory repair manual. This thing is getting rebuilt from the water up and it would sure be helpful. Let me know. Thanks.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
I doubt you'll be able to find 1. I've been looking for a year or so now, without success.

If you ask specific questions (ie. what's the torq setting on head nuts), people here should be able to tell you all you need to know to rebuild.

FYI: to easily break the driveshaft seal, wiggle the shaft from where it goes into the pump (more leverage that way).


Bangor, ME
I doubt you'll be able to find 1. I've been looking for a year or so now, without success.

If you ask specific questions (ie. what's the torq setting on head nuts), people here should be able to tell you all you need to know to rebuild.

FYI: to easily break the driveshaft seal, wiggle the shaft from where it goes into the pump (more leverage that way).
Thanks. I just brought the thing home and I need to tear it apart to refinish and paint it. After that, assembly starts. I haven't flipped it over to see how to go about getting the pump and what not out yet. This will definitely be a learning experience.

Hopefully my wireless internet will reach out to my shop. LOL


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
If it's all together now, just take lots of pics and notes as you disassemble.

The engine comes out as 1 whole unit. It can usually be lifted by 1 person.


Bangor, ME
If it's all together now, just take lots of pics and notes as you disassemble.

The engine comes out as 1 whole unit. It can usually be lifted by 1 person.
It came without a motor. I have a whole motor sitting here all mounted to the plate. I get all my toys in this condition so I'm not too worried about it. The factory manual always helps though. Thanks.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Kawasaki will sell you the 650 X2 manual for the 650 SX. I went through this with them because I ordered a service manual for my 650 SX back when I had one. Well they sent me the 650 X2 manual. I was ticked because I already had a 650 X2 manual and had to pay return shipping and restocking fees for their mistake. They could have better labled the info on the manual!

Kawasaki also sold, best bet is eBay, a "supplement manual" for the 650 SX which covers everything else not found in the 650 X2 manual specific to the 650 SX. I had one but sold it on eBay years after selling my 650 SX. I haven't seen to many of these "supplement manuals" around on there anymore. Don't be confused by the "owner's manual" it doesn't contain much of the same information. Although the two manuals are about the same thickness.

I will post a pic when I get home of the manuals, I have it saved from when I sold it on eBay.

However, I can offer you guys a pdf of the 650 X2 manual. Just PM me your email addresses.

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