@Midlake Crisis , so I see you said you bought an SXR 800 motor and a few parts for the 650SX. I know you said you haven't completed it yet, but have you ever seen/ridden a 650sx with an 800 motor in it? I'm curious because my ski is in really good shape inside and out, and I've heard of other people putting triples in like the 800's and 750's in the 550's. I'm wondering if, when I get used to the 650, what it would be like putting an 800 in it... or would one of those DASA motors that go in the SJ's fit in a 6560sx?
Has anyone ever done this/heard of this?
I know a lot of people consider the 650sx "heavy and bulky" etc etc... im not asking if its worth doing it, but has anyone actually done it?
or would one of those dasa's not even work without a ton of modification?