300/440/550 87 550 leaky head and base of cylinder?

Ok troops I hope someone can help me out here? 87 550 Coffmans 1/2 pipe copper base gasket OP 170 psi head. Hook a hose up to it at the head and head gasket leaks water comes out of base gasket at rear also. Sealed both the base and head gasket. Lapped both head and cylinders. Plug water intake pour water in waterjackets on cylinders no water comes out the base of the cylinder?Tried 2 different head gaskets. Studs look to be all good also.
I've never tried to re-use a copper gasket (that I can remember). I use permatex copper spray gasket sealer on a new gasket. I've read that many people have re-used them, some re-anneal them with a torch (100% acetylene) and some just clean them up and spray them again with permatex. Copper work hardens so re-using it doesn't always work. No idea what loctite 918 is, never heard of using it on a copper gasket. Not saying it's wrong just new to me and a google search returned nothing.

Look for any gouges from screwdrivers and stuff.

If you use are using a rubber type sealant (not suggesting you do, but if you are), crank it down just a little until it cures, and then crank it down the rest of the way to seal it up.
Take the gasket off, hold it over an open flame until you see the colors changing and you suspect its very hot, them drop in water. Bam, re use it. HYLOMAR is one of the best gasket sealers.
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