94 SN- modify pro-tec plate or trade out?


Urban redneck
I recently picked up a 94 square nose. It came with a pro-tec ride plate. It didn't let the rear rotate enough to my liking for jumping [I ride flatwater lakes freestyle]. My question is, should I keep this plate and modify it or is there a better aftermarket alternative I should try trading for or selling mine to buy?
I had the protec extended (by about 3") and cut it down to about 1" extended and the. D cut it on top of it. For the price of a stock one and what I could sell mine for, it wasn't worth the hassle to me. I like the results

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This Is The Way
Staff member
Just cut that one down, they are nice and beefy so they won't be prone to breaking after you cut it like a stock one.
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