a beach cart that costs more than my ski

This would actually be useful on the lake michigan lakeshore where owners have property on it but you cannot have docks, so you could take the ski out.
The babe makes this video worth watching...
One of my best friends lives on Lake Michigan, his neighbor owns one of these for their jet boat. It's pretty awesome. We all use beach carts that we push and it works fine. Some people who have the dough will gladly pay for this to escape the physical aspect.
And that is Lake Michigan because the company is based out of Michigan I believer, I want to say holland. I remember last year one morning everyone had a little ad from this company tied to their beach carts. They must have placed them on everyone's carts late at night and they did it to lots of people on the beach. About 99.5% sure they're based in holland
If I lived on Holland beach Michigan this would be awesome for my wife's half ton couch. The girl in the vid reminds me of a summer infatuation back in summer 05. At Holland beach!
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